
Thursday, January 24, 2019

Is there wisdom in picking a trade war with those who've built a greater wall?

Image. Bloomberg.

But remember, had there been a border war border wall back then we'd not have to put up with Texans today. Yes, a porous border did hurt Mexico. While saddling us with Ted Cruz and Beto. Beto and Ted, cause to want a wall? Indirectly at least?

UPDATE: Lyndon Johnson.

FURTHER: Note the correction. "Border war" made no sense in context, and there was a border war with an Alamo insurgency force concentration put down by superior lethal force, much as with Mad Dog Mattis' Fallujah put down. Each barbaric in its implementation. Each ultimately ineffective in the end.

If there'd been a border wall perhaps Sam Houston would have had no town named after him.