
Wednesday, January 30, 2019

A talking dildo.

Video. Eight minutes plus, without saying he loves Citizens United, dark money, and Roberts, as his kind of jurist. There's a joke from the W. Bush days about why his tie is so tight.

One Kentucky item, unfavorable toward the man, here. It links to the official bill page.

Quaintly, McConnell gets WaPo op-ed space, where he declines to link to the bill itself, but rather to here. Disinformation does point away from the facts; in this case, from the bill text.

Vox, honest in it's McConnell reporting.

Stuff, here, here, here and here. Enough.

Well, almost enough. That first misc. link mentions and links to a dark money slush fund that prevailed in litigation, and for some unknown reason it gets less heat than Citizens United. That particular dark money slush fund was not helpful toward Laura Moser's progressive candidacy in the Houston area. Not unlike another. But however chimerical its chances, this HR 1 lays out talking points for 2020. Mitch understands, but is unconvincing because the bill text maps actual needed reform. It is hard to imagine Pelosi aboard the HR 1 train, were she to expect it has any chance to leave the station. She, like Mitch, is in party leadership. Differing party regulars, but leadership figures in the two party stranglehold. How much blah-blah can you take?

_____________FURTHER UPDATE_______________
As to HR 1 and how political operative people sort out over it with 2020 in mind, Angie Craig is the new Minnesota CD2 Rep., and has put her future in alignment with the bill. This is not said in a cynical way. Craig will prove to be one of the better DC pubic servants, with a greater trust here in her than in Pelosi; ditto for AOC relative to Pelosi.

Pelosi is an ax-murderer. Not using a stelleto, rather a crass blunt ax wielder. Mitch would be proud but his help for Pelosi is not needed. She's done her own dirty work. Early and with malice.

Pelosi needs to be primaried. For whatever good it might do, the step is entirely necessary.

_____________FURTHER UPDATE_____________
HR 1 is going nowhere because of a Republican Senate, an insufficiently progressive total House majority, and because of the White House occupant. If McConnell has stuck to that as a speech topic, that reality, it would have galled less. DOA at the Senate if it even gets out of the House committees, true; however the man dismissed the intelligence of us all by bullshitting in ways that ignored the fact that the bill is a roadmap if not having a chance now. He got creepily partisan instead of addressing the issues.

Pelosi, with PayGo, can wave it at the Wall stuff, or whatever, how's it going to be paid, but it is clear she wanted to scuttle progressive moods. It is arguably wise to do so when the chance of implementation of the goals is non-existant, but it means having to go beg leadership if there is a 2020 alteration of terrain, and then deal cutting crap will show who Pelosi is in terms of being counter-progress at her multimillionaire core.

A lens for consideration of the PayGo thing where only Khanna, Ocasio-Cortez, and Gabbard voted no on the rules package mainly because of PayGo, is a mid-year Intercept item from last year, online here.  The lesson being how things are can capture the best of us about how things could and should be, and that log-rolling is the present norm to the point it can be questionable if not totally counterproductive. Ocasio-Cortez by dint of spirt has become a public voice as to things others have said over the years, with deaf ears turned whereas she gains attention and respect while setting an agenda table broader than has ever been popular among politicians in the past. She has along with Bernie created a view of what could be, how things should be, that was unvoiced previously to Bernie challenging the Clintons' poisoning of the Democrat well. Bless them both, and with Elizabeth Warren now, not last cycle when she was begged to move, now entering a race where Bernie will soon declare; and with the Dems superdelegate concession being only on a first ballot among committed national delegates, a dual progressive contest now might end up with Beto Booker or some such lesseer person emerging and with motive to again say four years of Trump, even four more, may be necessary to educate the Democratic insiders that if they want hands on the spoils they MUST respect a progressive agenda; i.e., abandoning Clinton-Obama-Biden versions of Republican-lite. Keep serving that brand, keep seeing Republic-actual getting the spoils. Wall Street does not care if their ass is kissed by Trump sorts, or Clinton sorts, so they are indifferent as long as progressivism is accorded no real respect; and they've had their way with the last election where a historically obnoxious and publicly disliked pair were paraded with a, "That's your choice, now vote," insulting audacity. That audacity and the evil it has done, the latest tax cut with deficit-disastrous implications being but the latest disservice done to the nation. Wall Street needs to be curbed. Surprisingly, that linked video included Biden at its outset but then looked three other ways. "It's Joe's turn" must be feared; such a mistake having been recent but absent any learning curve discernible from outside the inner party. Same old, same old cannot be a success merely because Trump is so egregious. That is the presumption of the inner Democrat operatives, that a sack of it can be sold by denigrating Trump and posing, and that thought needs to be destroyed; however long it will take of Republican control of the spoils. We need "Their Evolution" along with Our Revolution. Gotta be, however long learning may require.

___________FURTHER UPDATE____________