
Wednesday, December 12, 2018

In tune with his inner humility and the mood of the electorate in his district, Emmer suggests . . .

Where I live, where Emmer could be thought an upgrade - the seat previously securely held by Michele Bachmann - proves "upgrade" to be a relative term. Having noted that, as head Honcho of NRCC Emmer may, relatively, be a throwback, as would be the case almost anywhere besides Minnesota's CD6, where Emmer skates.

Republicans normally are lemmings despite their counterclaims, but the story is caucusing "innovation" be it local or national.

Dan Burns highlighted the Emmer - NRCC situation per KOS, and captures the nutshell version. Rotor over there for detail.

In watching the inside-Minnesota hiving and the outside-Minnesota hiving, it appears that overcrowding of the initial hive is not the cause of movement, but rather disturbances in each hive arising from election trauma or the perception of a snub happening, deservedly or otherwise.

Emmer was fit for the NRCC leadership position because of know-how in winning an election where Michele Bachmann was perpetually reelected, with the perspective there being "If only more districts were of the type that would reelect the likes of Bachmann we'd do okay," as a way Trump republicans can be observed to "reason."

Picking Tom Emmer as your Moses and expecting a promised land makes as much sense as "helping" one of the blind by buying them an automobile while noting the new navigation screen systems make it easier to get around. Foreseeable results should be anticipated, but the NRCC leadership is not my people in bondage in Egypt, where I might want to choose a better Moses for them than they'd pick on their own.

May Emmer do as expected, begetting loss of seats, chaos and discord, other than meeting an expectation of his being reelected in 2020, CD6 Minnesota-wise. A change that way WOULD be the promised land. Pass the milk and honey, we who are alien to the political majority there are hungry for change.

Politico has a fair statement of the Emmer-RNCC situation where gender politics is at issue. Emmer stated that NRCC interference at the primary level might not be a good idea. Laura Moser encountered something of the sort from the DCCC last cycle and it stank. Emmer might have some sense behind his position. Moser was not attacked in her primary effort because of her gender, but because she was a progressive and the establishment wanted a middle-roader. It had separate facts, but the notion of the national party congressional committee playing favorites remains troublesome. In Minnesota CD2 Angie Craig had more money to invest in her candidacy than her primary opponent and the apparent effect was the DCCC going with the fat wallet. Primary interference by the DC poobahs IS problematic, and Emmer expressed a concern, one for which I hesitate to fault him. With that said, I'd never vote for him in a million years, that being a hypothetical hyperbole introduced to add emphasis. Also, as to gender, Emmer in past years did defer to Bachmann's incumbency, not primarying her despite being marginally better [who could be worse?]. He'd encouraged her to consider a run for Governor, while eyeing the ultra-secure Republican CD6 seat covetously. Talking instead of acting was the Emmer MO, and Republican women in a snit against him should weigh how Emmer deferred to one as disastrously bad as Bachmann, thereby showing gender fairness, to a fault. He could have but did not rock her boat.

______________FURTHER UPDATE______________
In search on the web for the report of the Emmer/Bachmann phone conversation being reported, perhaps it was at Dump Bachmann which went private over litigation threats, the nugget was lost. However, never forget, women of the Republican party, your preeminent standard bearer and skilled spokesperson, mother image, point guard, and the former Ms. Wasilla, endorsed Emmer for his job so how can you push against that? And to boost Emmer in the eyes of the world, Alpha News reports.

FURTHER: You want an Emmer quorte? I'll give you an Emmer quote:

“When all your focus is on playing to win the game you don’t think about the pain,” said Emmer.

________________FURTHER UPDATE_____________
Emmer must feel smug in his district. Immune to overthrow, or seeing it that way. Achilles Heel goes beyond concept, and for Tom Emmer it takes two syllables, soybeans. Stan Hubbard likely schooled Emmer about kissing up to Cargill, and even likely provided a letter of introduction, but the trade war affects a balance between Cargill in Brazil and profits there, and Cargill in Emmer's district, profits being fungible to senior management. As fungible as the beans themselves to Chinese palates. In turn, Emmer has no Brazilian off-set dimension to his electorate, and with hope it may be his undoing. Suffering consequences of voting for Trump being due justice to the farmers who did that while relying on Mexican field labor.

____________FURTHER UPDATE_____________
Cargill, besides its global will and ability to hedge commodities to its bottom line benefit, can even hedge against Trump-induced shortages in the Mexican rural labor market. Case on point. A hedge that will not sue over prayer breaks, as with the other hedge against Trump-induced rural Mexican labor market swings. As a Merchant of Grain, Cargill knows hedge. Much akin to Bo knows football, baseball, and trophy hunting. For all I know Cargill may have a headquarters trophy room; filled with stuffed contract counterparties they've bagged. Cargill knows straw parties too, but sometimes justice prevails. However, too much Cargill in an Emmer post perhaps is too much a diversion, yet two dots, Emmer and Cargill are easy and fun to connect. Farmers do vote, and even sometimes in their own best interests; probability, however, being against it as a regular thing. E.g., Trump.

_________FURTHER UPDATE__________
As a passing thought with Emmer the subject, what is the gravitas to this? CryptoEmmer, the genius of finance? Or doing as he was told, where if that's the case, who was telling him what? If I had an answer to that I'd publish it. Think about it. Emmer putting bills in the hopper about finance is scary.