
Friday, November 30, 2018

Uranium One - extent of Mueller led investigation at the time, if any, mentioned - in yesterday's Daily Caller news.

Link. Another report of the FBI raid on allegedly protected whistleblower's home found online, ZeroHedge, the first report encountered, linking to DailyCaller as original source. That prompted a websearch, with mainstream media reporting not appearing in the return list. It is confusing.

UPDATE: Sputniknews link. Further confusion.

FURTHER: It appears Sessions, before resigning, had appointed a Justice Department official to respond to Congressional inquiry. How this raid fits whatever Congressional concerns were is not clear from reporting. This item is a year old, and nothing was done back then. Another websearch, specific to within last week.

FURTHER: FOX. From over a week ago.

FURTHER: Powerline blog picked it up.

FURTHER: 12/1/2018: Repeating the search mentioned in Powerline, "Dennis Nathan Cain whistleblower," with Bing and DuckDuckGo, same dearth of mainstream media attention. Powerline posting indicated that search as a Google, without any mainstream coverage as of the date/time stamp of the item.

The reporting indicates Cain, via his lawyer, stated a belief that earlier he held two documents provided to one believed to be from the FBI inspector general, and that he was led to believe the items were provided to somebody associated with House and Senate Intelligence Committees, likely the chairmen and ranking members; if actually handled in the way Cain's lawyer stated - as Cain's belief. Hopefully, Cain stashed copies with some third person in case this raid was to stifle rather than inform. Just guessing, based upon only the reporting online and suspicion about what could have been actuality.

Other coverage,, and

Looking forward to The Intercept deciding whether to run with the story. Most stories posted lead with a photo of Ms. Clinton; not Mr. Clinton, which would not be as good as one of both; and in differentiation, this post ends with a photo showing both, and having had much online exposure previously:

FURTHER: The newsLI report states, mid-item:

The delivered documents also show that then-FBI Director Robert Mueller failed to investigate allegations of criminal misconduct pertaining to Rosatom and to other Russian government entities attached to Uranium One, the document reviewed by TheDCNF alleges. Mueller is now the special counsel investigating whether the Trump campaign colluded with Russia during the 2016 election.

[bolded links in original] With some of the FBI raid reporting mentioning Bob Goodlatte wants new congressional inquiry into Uranium One, this websearch yields some mainstream media coverage from a year ago, but nothing from any Goodlatte current activity. does not post any Uranium One focus news item. This Google search, time restricted to last month, does yield one returned item citing a Fox and Friends session from this month. The indication is Goodlatte is retiring and investigative material may be concentrated in the hands of the Senate, which remains majority Republican. If that last search is changed to a "last year" time frame other hits show up, but there is only the indirect FOX indication, i.e., no reliable mainstream media outlets show up. The dearth of FBI/DOJ (second special prosecutor) interest in Uranium One is confusing. It seems facially strange how U.S. mineral rights end up foreign held, i.e., globalized natural resource policy seems to have some kinks. All for now.

FURTHER: From earlier this year,the question of FISA court secret practices is separate from lifting the Uranium One rock to see all that crawls beneath. The entire circumstantial Uranium One picture, as it stands in press reporting, seems to drip with sleaze. On the FISA situation, see, e.g., here, here and here; where no special prosecutorial outcome ensued. Whitaker, faults and all, now stands in Sessions' shoes, and if he rekindles interest in Uranium One some might agree with the opinion here, that it would be a public service. This latest raid seems to show an intent in the opposite direction by removal of information from hands within the public along with a show of intimidation as a lesson for others.

FURTHER: This item. FOX. Links from earlier this month that were found but not put into earlier text. Posting the links corrects that omission. The FOX item begins:

House Republicans plan to hold a hearing into the Department of Justice’s probe into the Clinton Foundation in December -- a month before Democrats will take control of the chamber.

Rep. Mark Meadows, R-N.C., who is chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Subcommittee on Government Operations, told The Hill he wants to hear testimony on Dec. 5 from the prosecutor appointed to investigate the controversial foundation, which has been dogged by allegations of "pay to play" when Hillary Clinton was secretary of state. The foundation has repeatedly denied the allegations.

Meadows said it was time to “circle back” with U.S. Attorney John Huber, who was appointed to investigate the foundation.

“Mr. Huber with the Department of Justice and the FBI has been having an investigation — at least part of his task was to look at the Clinton Foundation and what may or may not have happened as it relates to improper activity with that charitable foundation, so we’ve set a hearing date for December the 5th,” he said.

[links in original] This is an encouraging development, even though time is short before leadership changes. Pop the popcorn and pay attention. Something material may be uncovered, perhaps in a way that Whitaker can use to begin a formal DOJ look at apparent gross Clintonian mischief. Such a development could be prophylactic for the Democratic Party, ridding it of an ongoing liability and allowing it to grow more in progressive directions, however that possibility may be shepherded by House and DNC officials.

FURTHER: Dismissive attitude might be fine, as to not losing sight of the Mueller investigation being top news nor regarding Uranium One questioning as cause to discredit Mueller's current activity, it being separate, yet getting to the bottom of Uranium One misconduct, if such is found, has the benefit of not allowing any party to be above the law. When Cenk's voicing gets to its most Trump-like is when it seems most suspect. Saying it's a smokescreen may have some truth, yet good can come from it, again, because nobody should be allowed to flaunt flout the law in money charged ways. Rule of law being applied to the Clintons really has no argument against it. (Got the verbs mixed up; what appears the case is flaunting of flouting of conduct norms, whether criminal by statute or not).

FURTHER: Having to be fair to Cenk, Uranium Won.

FURTHER: FOX carrying the ball to where something may be shown the public which the public may judge. Republicans and questionable deplorables included. Earlier hearing event on YouTube. Similarly, a Congressman's webpage entry linking to the same video content. Two posts by The Hill, a year apart, here and here.

Whatever may stick to Trump and/or family sticks to them. Whatever may stick to the Clintons sticks to them. Pop the popcorn.

But keep an eye on what the government is doing or dodging while the circus is in town. Go easy on the popcorn.

FURTHER: Related, or independent, here and here; you tell me. Fifteen minutes of fame seems inadequate for such reporting, disappeared as it was, but such a plan would involve sale of fissile material to purchasers, sold by some source, somewhere, and again, related to or independent of Uranium One and growth of the Clinton Foundation fisc?

What exactly is "the swamp" seems a question to address before claiming an intent and acting to "drain" it.

UPDATE: Suggest a cellmate.

UPDATE: Related or independent; you tell me: