
Monday, November 26, 2018

The bull drops a big load; per an email forwarded to me. Advance "efforts to protect the ACA, Medicare, Social Security, Planned Parenthood, and more," instead of buying that purse which when you get it home does not go with anything. REALLY! And you thought nobody would ever formulate any such linked together madness, right?

A hat tip to a reader for forwarding the item, text:

Ever go shopping on Black Friday or Cyber Monday, looking for gifts for other people, and wind up with a gift for yourself?

For me, it's usually purses. I see one I love. It's a great deal. And then I get it home and realize it just doesn't go with anything. A rare occurrence, since I'm a bit obsessed with purses that are a great buy!

Today, instead of buying a gift for someone (or yourself) that winds up going back, I'm asking you to spend $5 or $10 you know will go to good use -- our efforts to protect the ACA, Medicare, Social Security, Planned Parenthood, and more.

Can you use this link to give $5, $10, or more?

I know it probably seems like Election Day was just yesterday. But Trump and Republicans haven't slowed down.

Trump forced out his attorney general. His administration gave bosses more say over whether their female employees can access birth control. And he's attacking the independent judiciary (again).

They're not backing down -- we can't either. Instead of buying another purse you don't need, spend that money on continuing our activism.

Here's that link again:

[bolding and actual linking in original omitted] Creative anarchy brought to you by a zipperhead in Congress. IN CONGRESS!