
Friday, November 23, 2018

Stagnation stinks.

The Atlantic, mid-item:

Equally frustrating for the Democrats I spoke to is that this is not at all the case for House Republicans. Unlike Democrats, for example, Republicans term-limit their committee chairmen, making it possible for young and talented members to take over powerful committees early in their tenure. As Murphy, the former representative, pointed out, Paul Ryan is a good case study in the benefits of this policy: Ryan was only 41 when he took over the Budget Committee, a position that allowed him to build a national profile and attract attention from party leaders. Less than five years later, he gaveled in as speaker of the House.

“The Republican rules when it comes to term limits for chairmen is just how we view leadership,” National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) Spokesman Matt Gorman told me. “It encourages younger members to step up so we don’t see the stagnation we’ve seen on the other side.”

For those liking equations: Pelosi + Hoyer = Stagnation

Any questions?

Here's one: Why might Keith Ellison have concluded there is more fun and actual chance to affect policy as Minnesota Attorney General than under Pelosi + Hoyer?

Likely Ellison might publicly speak with delicacy, but the fact that he moved is what speaks candidly.

Right of center to middle of the road slaves to big money are not the answer to a better nation.

Look at Bernie's agenda. Look at Pelosi. The DC situation is a bad joke. Bluest of blue dogs grumble and sign a letter saying, "She's not our favorite," while she's probably just fine, but the play is for the district, and little else. Others fawn. Ocasio-Cortez with the biggest paycheck of her life and better benefits than from bartending, in line, so go figure. Indeed, in line, ticket punched with a vengeance by going public on MSNBC to kiss Pelosi's ring. It is sickening. Committee seniority is something the Republicans, of all people, have reformed.

The party of It's Hillary's Turn, is a sick party. Stating truth again: Right of center to middle of the road slaves to big money are not the answer to a better nation. There are no two ways about it. You can put Pelosi between joyous Al and joyous Mark in that picture and it is the exact same image. Al must be happy to be out of that bullshit.

Last thing, a video worth watching, about an indirect way to torpedo progressive aims, without saying that's the motive, while serving the interests of those wanting to fire such a torpedo, Pelosi, apparently, included. End of story.

On reflection, perhaps a "for example" line or two about that "torpedo" thing might be helpful. SINGLE PAYER. How's that, example-wise?

Single payer will cost more to implement in terms of government revenue-spending, where to attain efficiencies the medical-industrial complex gets reined in and the profiteering insurance leeches get put out of the main part of their cash-cow loop. For those liking equations:

SINGLE PAYER = [Govt. spending increase] = [substantial TOTAL spending decrease below private insurance payments (including obscene profiteering) per the Romneycare=Obamacare status quo]
[SINGLE PAYER federal pharma pricing power] = [decrease in pharma gouging of you and me, compare negotiated pricing as is now the case with the "socialized medicine" practice of the VA]

However, to implement SINGLE PAYER the two Pelosi policies discussed in that video would have to not be in place; so putting them in place serves to indirectly - sneakily - hamstrings SINGLE PAYER, end of that example. A result done with weasel ways, not directly addressing the desires and needs of the public vs. the power and control of DC by evil big money interests; a/k/a control of Pelosi and folks, by etc.

Last, that image above: Joyous Al, or "Standing here on terms I accepted but which merit no false smile-along, what am I doing here;" i.e., Al having an early learning experience not out of line with his quick acceptance of leaving the Senate on #METOO thrown stuff, as an exit in a potentially helpful way, overall; with exiting being not wholly uncordial to Al's integrity and mental health. He and DC were a strange match from day one. He's honest, that being one fit-in difficulty.

__________FURTHER UPDATE__________
2020, "Biden's Turn?" Say it ain't so, Joe.

_________FURTHER UPDATE___________
Back to Pelosi, Digby is positive.