
Wednesday, November 07, 2018

1144457 people in Minnesota are so fucking dumb it is astounding.

That headlined number, as of timestamp of this post, have been counted as having voted for Wardlow.

WARDLOW! How stupid can you get?
Pretty damned stupid, that's for certain. At least now black lives will matter and Bob Kroll had better walk the straight and narrow and keep his nose clean. Let the badge weigh a little bit less, if he's sense enough to do so.

Astoundingly stupid. There is no other more fit characterization. Doug can go back now to his hate group.

Ellison will govern well. A major disaster was averted. Other disasters in voting in the State happened, no single threat as great as Wardlow, elsewhere, anywhere. Statewide office voting outcomes were sane, there is that positive note.

With clear overlap with the headline number 1089973 voted Housley. He's not even a successful hockey coach but they voted for him.

The sun will shine brighter on Wisconsin.

_________FURTHER UPDATE_________
Elijah Cummings will get his subpoenas. His frustrations over, may he do well. May he find Pence in things, we can hope.

________FURTHER UPDATE________
A federal and state Senate primed for mischief. Sane Houses, federal and state.


_________FURTHER UPDATE__________
Does retaking the U.S. House have to entail Pelosi as Speaker? Wasn't CHANGE once an idea?

MPR carrying an AP feed, "Democratic House victory could echo from Moscow to Riyadh."

I want it to echo for UnitedHealth. Single payer is decades overdue. It will have to wait until 2020, but it is coming.

Promises kept are better than backtracking with finger pointing. Which would you anticipate? "Tax the rich" went the second way.

__________FURTHER UPDATE___________

More than 100 women were projected to win seats in the House of Representatives, easily shattering the record. Overwhelmingly they were Democrats who helped the party take control of the chamber.

Women have never held more than 84 of the 435 seats in the House. By 1:30 a.m. Wednesday as the votes were still being counted, 92 had already been declared winners.

“Women made history in a number of ways and were a significant force in flipping many districts from red to blue,” said Kelly Dittmar, a political scientist at the Center for American Women and Politics at Rutgers University.

Many of the winning candidates campaigned on the need for better health care for all Americans. They come from a wide variety of backgrounds — from military veterans to teachers — and many had never run for office before.

Women made inroads in gubernatorial races, too, which are particularly important because of the upcoming redistricting battles.

In both Kansas and Michigan, women flipped states that had been under Republican control.

Leah Phifer got ambushed and declined to run in a DFL primary, that happening before her having the chance to join the female-success crowd. The feeling here, at this point, it happened. That district might not have the smartest DFL leadership in the state. [UPDATE: Or the leadership might differ from the population concentrations -- DETAIL: The 8th voted, Duluth and Arrowhead DFL, elsewhere is where the Stauber/GOP majority controlled, if MN House district results reflect vote splits on CD8 itself, (and on statewide office votes within each MN House district); compare SoS data here(voting) and here(map), without any blue/red map voting demographics found on the SoS site -- see also, Strib months ago, on changing CD8 population concentrations, where it appears that growing metro exurban Republicanism weighs in, in the southern part of CD8 where there is no major mining happening now]

__________FURTHER UPDATE__________
MN HOUSE results: Voter majorities in HD36A and HD36B are enlightened; in 35A and 35B voter majorities stayed Republican. Perske lost the single SD 13 MN Senate swing district special election.

It was a chance at both houses, but not to be.

__________FURTHER UPDATE__________
Republicans keep Wisconsin First Congressional District. If it had been Paul Ryan seeking reelection Randy Brice would have had a better shot.

_________FURTHER UPDATE___________
City of Ramsey, Anoka County, where I live and supported incumbents, split between incumbents and challengers on council seats open this election.