
Thursday, October 11, 2018

When Minnesota AG candidate Douglas Wardlow's Lt. Kroll speaks of law and order, what does he mean and how does it reflect on Wardlow? Should Wardlow affirmatively disclaim some implications, and distance himself from Kroll?

Three contemporary articles pose the question well:

NPR: Is Trump's Call For 'Law And Order' A Coded Racial Message?

Alternet: The GOP's History of Racism And Why the Party Shouldn’t Be Shocked that Its Voters Are in the Tank for Trump -- As historians know momentous change does not occur overnight. Seeds are planted and cultivated before a flowering takes place. That happened in the Republican Party.

Crooks and Liars: Trumpcare Based On Reagan/Nixon's Racist Southern Strategy

See the UPDATE, here, about Wardlow and this Lt. Kroll having said:

“[...] We are excited about Doug’s vision to refocus the Attorney General’s office on promoting law and order in our State.”

Recalling the adage, where there's smoke, there's fire; Wardlow should clarify his law and order messaging in line with who his Lt. Kroll chum seems to be, because it sure shouts "dog whistle" when not expressly and definitively clarified, by the candidate, publicly and in detail, as something else.

Wardlow's Chinese ties suggest otherwise, but he sure does tout POLICE ENDORSED in an image of him among nine uniformed white cops.

With video, same format.

He needs to define himself better. "Law and order" does carry dog whistle connotations. We await clarification.

People should be ever mindful of Lee Atwater's admission, and hence skeptical of any possible form of disguised or overt racism, a/k/a "Republican Willie Horton Revolving Door dog whistling."

Kroll again in today's news:

Frey declined to respond to Kroll’s comments. But in the news conference, he said previous statements made by the union leader run “counter to everything we stand for in Minneapolis,” and are contradictory to the laws.

Why not just cut to the chase, and describe Kroll as a throbbing hemorrhoid? Apparently an insubordinate one. A badge heavy one. If the shoe fits he should wear it.