
Thursday, October 25, 2018

What is missing from this PiPress report: Doug Wardlow has ties to extremists - James Dobson's Alliance Defending Freedom. However, the report of Wardlow campaign money from phony for-profit "education" folks raises questions about whether he'd sit tight or fight, if ever becoming AG.

Link. Headlining and opening paragraph:

Doug Wardlow criticized for taking contributions from donors behind fraudulent for-profit college
By Christopher Magan | | Pioneer Press
PUBLISHED: October 24, 2018 at 3:14 pm | UPDATED: October 24, 2018 at 7:19 pm

Republican candidate for attorney general Doug Wardlow took $24,000 from owners and executives of the for-profit college chain Globe University, which was successfully sued for fraud by the state.

"... successfully sued for fraud by the state" would mean DFL AG Lori Swanson proved the fraud, and Wardlow took the cash. From the losers in the lawsuit. From those wanting the DFL out of consumer protection, given their loss of student loan cash flow that could have gone to legit operations. Besides wanting to buy the DFL out of the AG office, what positive purchase would be hoped for? Detail as reported:

Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party Chair Ken Martin highlighted donations from the Myhre family, which owns Globe University, and from Jeanne and Nathan Hermann, who worked for the family’s for-profit college chain, at a Wednesday news conference.

“You don’t have to be a campaign finance genius to wonder what these donors are hoping to gain by donating to Doug Wardlow,” Martin said. “The fact that Doug Wardlow has cozied up to individuals who systemically ripped off college students should alarm everyone in the state who has been or could be a victim of consumer fraud.”

Billy Grant, Wardlow’s campaign manager, said the donations would be returned because of the “recent litigation” by the attorney general’s office. He called Martin’s criticism “laughable,” saying that Wardlow’s Democratic opponent, Rep. Keith Ellison, has ties to extremists.

[...] Swanson filed a lawsuit against Globe University and the Minnesota School of Business in 2014 after hundreds complained the schools deceived them. The case focused on the criminal justice programs that students said they were told would lead to careers in law enforcement.

[...] The court ruling in 2017 led to the state revoking the schools’ authorization to operate in Minnesota. The institutions also lost access to federal student loan programs.

"Careers in law enforcement" such as that of Bob Kroll? Another extremist with ties to Wardlow, as posted in the sidebar and in earlier Crabgrass content.

When fraudsters pay what's the play? And then that broken record crap, Ellison has ties to extremists. That is all Wardlow and his people can say.

Note also, "... donations would be returned ..." means that without press attention, bad money was hunky-dory with the Wardlow crowd. Green is green is insufficient justification for not being attentive, or caring, about the character and track record of those ponying up green for Doug. It reflects upon Wardlow's care for appearances while running a negative campaign against Ellison with the unsubstantiated Parker-Monahan stuff.

If things such as Wardlow's done suggest to you a sound likelihood Wardlow would be a good fighter for consumer protection as he's said, look in the mirror and question your judgment. You take money from frauds, willingly and only when caught will it be given back, who are you really? Remember, those students who got ripped off are consumers, protected by a DFL Attorney General's steadfast focus upon protecting consumers from fraud and abuse, and weigh that in the context of Wardlow promising he'd fire people in the office, if elected.

Think: Which attorneys would the fraudulent "educational" operation want fired? Yes. The good ones who caught onto the truth about the operation and won in court. The winners on behalf of consumers would be targets these donors would wish revenge upon, and without PiPress scrutiny, what would you foresee happening in a Wardlow regime?