
Friday, October 12, 2018

"The case attracted some notoriety due to Biron's ties to the ADF. That organization issued a statement distancing itself from Biron, stressing that she was only associated with them and was never an employee." The ADF can have its own bad apples, just as the Minnesota Police Department and the police union can. This is not to say Wardlow is insincere or bad, but the organization is creepy.

Take a look at Aimee Stephens at the top of the sidebar item titled, "Douglas Gary Wardlow did not merely throw the first stone . . .".

She could be a neighbor, a relative, but she in fact was a victim of a persecution, as the sidebar text details.

She only wanted to be who she believed, sincerely, she was, and she got fired because after ADF lost the anti-gay battle they went after transexuals. Wardlow in the saddle in that hunt. Wanting her share of American pie, she was hounded out of a job.

Now while accessing a Wardlow item on YouTube there was this MediaMatters link as another video, given as YouTube does, as a sidebar suggested item. Please finish the post before viewing it, if you care to view it at all.

Titled, "The Terrifying, True Story Of The Right-Wing Group Pushing Anti-LGBT Bills," the video is tightly done while appearing factual but overly stark in the tone of its message presentation. In the YouTube comment stream, which is uniformly interesting, was, "That would be the same reich-wing hate group masquerading as a "law firm" that employed heterosexual female "Christian lawyer" Lisa Biron who is currently serving 40years in prison for transportation with intent to engage in criminal sexual activity, possession of child porn, &sexual exploitation of children including her own 14yo daughter." Already feeling the Dobson-initiated venture was creepy, that caught my eye, hence this websearch.

As a mental exercise, juxtapose what is online about Lisa Biron with the persecution heaped by ADF/Wardlow upon Aimee Stephens for being transexual, i.e., Wikipedia here, National Post, here. When writing "creepy" think "real creepy," as following those links shows. The quote in the headline is from the Wikipedia entry.

Who deserves demonization, poor Ms. Stevens only wanting an American Dream - a do your job and prosper American Dream as anyone might want - or ADF and its gravitational attraction to and with this Lisa Biron. At least have a look at both of those links, and then with that insight, watch the video. And read the comment thread.

Whatever you may want, I do not want those creepy people anywhere near the levers of top legal power in my home state, and that means Doug Wardlow is a threat to what I value and a cause to me of worry. His hanging with cop Bob Kroll adds an entirely justifiable dimension of dislike and distaste, "fear and loathing," to use Hunter Thompson's term.

Do note, the post could have been lengthened by quoting from Wikipedia text and the National Post report; but really, why do that to readers?

So now - make up your mind, are you with the people who fostered Lisa Biron until the fan loaded up and then said she was not on the payroll as a distinction without a difference, or is your sympathy with unreasonably persecuted Aimee Stephens? In effect, are you human and humane, or are you Doug Wardlow? It may be harsh, but it how I feel. Aimee Stephens, as human and vulnerable as you or I.

Go figure. The man has a very hard heart to have done in Ms. Stevens' job.

UPDATE: Cumulative reporting, HuffPo and Advocate.

FURTHER UPDATE: Daily Mail does its thing with the story, ending with,"On Biron's Facebook page, she lists the Bible as her favorite book."