
Friday, October 26, 2018

Obsequious conscious parallelism; and if you want to do that, choose a far better less dogma-prone role model, please. Rephrased How close is Doug Wardlow, still, to James Dobson's extremism?

Just as Wardlow on his website uses that Ted Cruz type of catch the fire button, top left,

without comment upon it's symbolism but as a sign to similarly inclined Dominionists, there is this strikingly Dobsonian posing:

Dobson, Abstinence to End Aids - Cannot suppress a grin.

Wardlow spouses' FocusOnFamily pose.
Can you make it to the finish of
this hopelessly cloying video?

Rephrased, Doug Wardlow advertises who he is and has been, in indirect but apparent ways.

After an election day loss to Ellison and having run on "law and order" will he specialize his private sector practice in criminal defense? Or will he just rely more on James Dobson's ADF paycheck and agenda of hate for gay people and others who decline to buy into the Dobson brand? He can move on from that, growth of perspective is always feasible, and may Wardlow, in maturing, come to see the greater wisdom of secular humanism and inclusiveness - the love of human diversity in its many forms. However, if he still has his drawers in a bind over Angie Craig's marriage for example, he's a total butt and will remain so for the remainder of his human-like life.

My favorite part of the video is Dougie twice giving his bicycle riding son hand signals as one might use in training a field dog to range on voiceless cue, in order to flush grouse.