
Thursday, October 11, 2018

Instead of playing echo chamber to the Parker-Wardlow-Monahan propaganda against Ellison, Mainstream Media should be asking: Does Douglas Gary Wardlow's family retain some form of Dobson-ADF health coverage from those days, are they going bare and gambling, or is he utilizing some form of private insurance via the ACA-Minnesota Healthcare Exchange, which he, standing alone, steadfastly fought and opposed while a legislator?

The poll report noted in the post directly below this one ended:

Likely voters cite health care as the most important factor in deciding their vote. A third — 32 percent — name health care as their top issue, while 21 percent name the economy, 11 percent name immigration, and 9 percent call abortion their top issue.

Wardlow, as a bill chief [and only] author back in 2011 was unequivocally opposed to public policy favoring minimal ACA benefit, much less the currently prevailing trend favoring single payer in line with all the prosperous nations besides the US; i.e, Canada, Norway, as most progressive in cradle-to-grave healthcare, by government management, as a right. Has he changed, now, or is ADF/Dobson still carrying him? Is he going without coverage, out of spite? His as introduced language:

Section 1. new text begin [62Q.022] HEALTH EXCHANGE PROHIBITED.
new text begin No American Health Benefit Exchange within the meaning of that term in the federal Affordable Care Act shall be created, operate, or exist in this state.

[...] Subd. 3. Statement of public policy. (a) The power to require or regulate a person's choice in the mode of securing health care services, or to impose a penalty related to that choice, is not found in the Constitution of the United States of America, and is therefore a power reserved to the people pursuant to the Ninth Amendment, and to the several states pursuant to the Tenth Amendment. The state of Minnesota hereby exercises its sovereign power to declare the public policy of the state of Minnesota regarding the right of all persons residing in the state in choosing the mode of securing health care services, which is consistent with the constitutionally recognized inalienable right of liberty, whereas every person within the state of Minnesota is and shall be free to choose or decline to choose any mode of securing health care services without penalty or threat of penalty.
(b) The policy stated under this section shall not be applied to impair any right of contract related to the provision of health care services to any person or group.
Subd. 4. Enforcement. The professional license of any officer of a court sitting within the state of Minnesota, who acts to impose, collect, enforce, or effectuate any penalty in the state of Minnesota that violates the public policy set forth in this section, shall be suspended for a period of one year.

How can one man have so much hate? Who is he in wanting your vote backing his "ideals?"

Look up the meaning of the word "Draconian."

You already know the meaning of mean-spirited, without having to look anything up. The guy is a Scrooge.

The press should be all over the man asking stuff concerning such anti-government anti-public benefit posturing stuff, given the issue importance voters express. Or does the press believe it sells better to bolster incessant Parker-Wardlow-Monahan salacious attack propaganda against Keith Ellison, the viler the better?

This is a very serious question: Should Strib and PiPress and MinnPost be a cut above National Inquirer journalism? We hope for it.

UPDATE: Where is Wardlow on the livable wage? Does he profess it is the absolute right of employers per some "freedom of contract" garbage to pay as little as they can get away with while wanting a government unwilling to help the income gap of the working poor? It appears he needs ghosts to haunt his Christmases, to scare the Dickens out of him.