
Tuesday, October 02, 2018

FOX gets -- call it speculative, on its Kavanaugh beat: ANGRY WHITE GUY BORN TO PRIVILEGE, WRONGLY CAST INTO A DITHER BECAUSE OF -are you ready- RACIAL PROFILING.

Salon, two items. First Digby opines; then the headlined item. (Then a "blue light" bonus item. True enough, or seemingly so, but then it's group profiling ...)

Read Digby's analysis. On the FOX Gestalt beat [links in original]:

“Fox & Friends” host says Brett Kavanaugh is a victim of racial profiling -- Fox News’ Rachel Campos-Duffy offers a bizarre defense of Donald Trump’s Supreme Court nominee
By: Rachel Leah, October 1, 2018 4:25pm (UTC)

Since President Donald Trump's Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh offered his fiery testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on Thursday, his display of entitlement has become a focal point. He's widely been described as unhinged and belligerent, interrupting senators and accusing the Democrats of constructing a political conspiracy. Only a privileged white man could have acted as such, many of the op-eds that followed Kavanaugh's testimony argued, prompting Sunday's episode of "Fox & Friends" to opt for a different angle.

"Here they are constantly decrying systematic racial profiling of African-Americans when it comes to law enforcement," "Fox & Friends" co-host Rachel Campos-Duffy said, adding that when it comes to Kavanaugh, "They're racially profiling, gender profiling in this case."

Conservative radio host David Webb joined the show, and categorized some of those criticizing Kavanaugh as irrelevant and others, like the Washington Post's Jonathan Capehart, as the "next generation of race pimp."

Campos-Duffy resumed:

"Well, it's interesting. They keep bringing up white privilege," she said, presumably speaking about Kavanaugh's opponents. "I know they're saying it's male white privilege, but they both grew up in the same privileged D.C. suburbs."

"She spent her summers diving in a country club," Campos-Duffy said of Kavanaugh's intial accuser, Dr. Ford. "I certainly didn't spend my summers practicing diving in a country club. I don't see why any of this is relevant to exactly what you said, the facts of the matter."

Webb responded that the Democrats have no interest in seriously looking at the allegations or following the line of thinking that allegations are automatically "evidence of guilt," because then they'd have to rethink the party's loyalty to Keith Ellison and Bill Clinton. (Last week, Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minn. requested that the House Committee on Ethics investigate the allegations that he physically abused an ex-partner. He denies the allegations.)

Yeah, and Ellison is black, but Webb left that fact alone, wisely. People already know it, whereas Capehart writing for WaPo neeeded Webb's introduction.

A cohost never at a loss for inciteful words picks up the baritone refrain with an echo:

"But their idea is that the evidence of guilt is the fact that he's a white man of privilege," co-host Pete Hegseth said. "That's the first sin, the first evidence of guilt, and then everything else cascades from there. How do you walk back from that ledge where you start with that premise?"

Webb maintained that Democrats do not have that intention and their outrage is specific to Kavanaugh and his conservative ideologies and that they don't speak to or for the majority of Americans.

Ending the post, the baritone echo chamber Paul Revereing:

"They're trying to win in education by indoctrinating kids to have white guilt in college and elsewhere," Hegseth said. "They're trying to remake our society right now."

WOW! Where is my torch? Hand me my pitchfork. We have to hunt and kill the beast. Else Western Civilization might perish. Sentinels are badly needed, but FOX delivers, bless FOX.

LAST: Doug Wardlow, where art thou? A cudgel is handed you, familiar to the hand.

Why show restraint, wield it as you might. In public. Not behind arcane symbology on a campaign site, but wide open to show everyone that barely suppressed but consuming intent. Simply, drop the unnctious posture and Catch the Fire. You are as white and privileged and godly and manly as Kavanaugh, so show it with pride. Get angry. Show a pride, to goeth before a fall election.

The survival of Western Civilization demands people of action, striders not hiders smoothly speaking and indirect. Wield that righteousness cudgel for all it's worth, far and wide across Minnesota's urban enclaves and hinterlands. Do it. With suitable indignation, appropriate to the existential risks which FOX perceives and highlights. Don't let Petey Hegseth outplay you. You're a Wardlow after all. Matt Look with his red-white-and-blue banner eagle-eye can print you some red-white-and-blue yard signs. Seize the day. In over your head or not. like Kavanaugh - Show rage.