
Saturday, October 13, 2018

Even Glen Taylor's Strib sees Wardlow as he is.

Link, most relevant part buried last:

“It’s very troubling that he would say, sight unseen, that he would fire a third of the attorneys,” Swanson said.

Most staffers in the attorney general’s office, apart from a handful of policy advisers each attorney general has, do nonpartisan work, said Beverly Jones Heydinger. She worked in the attorney general’s office for 20 years, and continued to work with the office after that as an administrative law judge and chairwoman of the Public Utilities Commission.

She said Wardlow’s comment is “completely inconsistent” with his campaign trail message. “It should be a huge red flag to anyone to have a candidate make comments like that,” she said.

Lil' guy's crossed his Rubicon. Does Kroll attend fundraisers? Parker? Which of the Monahans might have been there? Either or both?

Unreported, was this stated with the calmness of clear intention, or part of some rant?

With Romney's 47% gaff we saw a demeanor to go with the comment, and it was mean and dismissive. What of Wardlow's demeanor when speaking?

The appearance without that last question answered is that there is the term level headed and there is Douglas Wardlow, who stands as level headed as Bob Kroll, though shorter.

BOTTOM LINE QUESTION: Was this delivered to be strategic, red meat to the base as if it would not get out beyond the grouping, or was Wardlow in his cups? At any rate he's counting unhatched chickens. He did negate all the prior posing, for whatever reasons he and cohorts figured it best. And that might be all we know, or need to know.