
Sunday, October 14, 2018

Echo of a Kent State crowd control mentality, and a calmer voice than the other.

YouTube. Kent State was overreaction and killing of protesting citizens.

Who wants any more of that?

Not the boss apparently, she said so, but the spirit of Kent State use of power remains in some outlooks. It is wrong.

Being critical of people having rights and knowing what those rights are belongs on FOX. Not in our State, where the American principle of people being accorded the rights that their being human deserve, citizen or non-citizen, each and any illegal is as human as Bob Kroll. Why does Kroll not respect the rule of law?


In an effort to fight back against national policies at a city level, Minneapolis Mayor Jacob Frey unveiled new police squad car signs on Wednesday.

The signs will be in both English and Spanish, and will be displayed in each of the city’s 190 squad cars.

“They will make it clear you don’t have to answer questions about where you were born, your immigration status, whether you are a citizen and that you have the right to remain silent,” said Frey.

The City of Minneapolis already has a separation ordinance in place, which prohibits police and city employees from asking people about their immigration status.

That rule does not apply to nearby jurisdictions.

“Hennepin County does not and Hennepin County runs the jail,” said immigration defense attorney Kara Lynum.

“We feel this is just another step in making sure that the rights of all of our people in Minneapolis are being respected,” said Minneapolis City Attorney Susan Segal.

Frey said the city’s police chief is in full support of the signs, but the president of the police officer’s union calls the move “all too typical of the lunatic left.”

In a statement, Lieutenant Bob Kroll said, “With 200 shooting victims in the city year-to-date, the political response is to be sure and advise people who are here illegally of their rights, while in the back of a squad car. It’s simply insane.”

The art of the nonsequitur can be subtle, or it can be crude as Kroll. Rights are rights, and people having them is not a cause of any number or level of shootings. Failures in policing handguns is a bigger factor, and citing a number of shootings is irrelevant to having rights ignored by heavy badges weighing down judgment. People can show their ignorance by indulging in ignorant nonsequitur.

Heavy badges. Continued questioning when a detainee declines to speak is unlawful. Identifying oneself to an officer, even if wrongly stopped and/or detained is a requirement. But view that video, put yourself into the position of the person being stopped, "suspicious behavior" when not wanting an encounter with a cop is all it is is sanity, not suspicious, as the escalation of the thing clearly showed. Neither party in that video was entirely right, but why a stop in the first place must be answered.

It was not a threatening situation under the officer behavior shown, nor under the pedestrian behavior shown, but wanting to be left alone when walking daytime on a public street's lawful sidewalk is ABSOLUTELY NO CAUSE FOR A STOP. Christsakes, there was not even a jaywalking excuse to get into somebody's face. The badge just weighed an awful lot is all.

FURTHER: What was correct on behalf of the police, after getting an ID, they departed. Despite that, the entire confrontation was unjustified. Not wanting to interact with a cop is not a crime. It is good sense. Nothing good to a person will come from it better than simply being left alone to be on a sidewalk. Walking. Showing signs of wanting to be out of the way of a police officer, to not have a confrontation is not suspicious. It is good sense. As with controlling speed and coming to a full stop at a stop sign, and then some, if spotting the lurking patrol car. And when you do that you are not stopped, confronted, detained until producing an ID. An articulable cause for suspicion must be shown to justify a stop. In that video the officer describing why there was a stop, would you want that in your otherwise placid day? You have a right to not be harassed improperly. However, if stopped, providing ID is required. However, I walk for health, and do not carry my wallet in the sweat pants, some of which lack pockets. What if I get stopped? For walking on a Ramsey street where a sidewalk is lacking. The street my home is on, for example. Think about it all.

And as to Ramsey police, stopped only once in a little short of twenty years in town, while behind the wheel, over a 45 mph limit but not by much, justifiably stopped, clearly for an articulable cause. Producing driving license and proof of insurance. Officer taking the license to the squad car to check for warrants or such. Luckily given a warning and not a citation. Discretion cutting that way is not a problem. A stop for good cause is not a problem. But getting back to Kroll and his clear 'em out mentality when right to assemble and protest is Constitutional, heavy badges affect judgment and Kroll's must weigh a ton.