
Friday, October 26, 2018

Douglas Gary Wardlow - A liar. But was he lying in his very early acceptance speech, "... replace them with solid conservative lawyers ..." or when he said more recently, "... no litmus test ..."? One or the other is true, but both cannot be.

This YouTube video posted online June 2, except at one key point is pure bullshit, pure Wardlow, and the good news is you need not watch it all.

Ignore preliminary stuff -- Cut directly to the 1:00 min mark, and see the man saying "turn over the tables" and "fire 46" and "replace them with solid conservatives." Then consider mpr, Oct. 12, quoting at length:

In remarks during a fundraising event Monday in Shakopee for Congressman Jason Lewis, Wardlow described plans for a partisan purge.

“It’s really exciting now to be in a position for the first time in a half century to take this office back,” Wardlow said. “We’re going to fire 42 Democratic attorneys right off the bat and get Republican attorneys in there.”

The remarks, which were caught on tape, contrast with Wardlow’s frequent public pledge to take politics out of the office. He has criticized his DFL opponent, Keith Ellison, as being overly partisan.

A Minnesota DFL Party staffer recorded the fundraiser comments. The party provided the audio to MPR News.

Wardlow declined an interview request to elaborate on his plan or explain the specificity of the number of attorneys he’s targeting.

He released a written statement Friday describing himself as the victim of a desperate attack by Ellison.

“His attack is laughable, considering he is the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee,” Wardlow said. He added, “I am running to take back the Attorney General’s Office for the cause of the rule of law, the Constitution and for liberty, not for the Republican Party.”

Wardlow also insisted he would not make partisan staffing decisions.

“I have consistently stated throughout this campaign, I will appoint assistants and deputies who believe in the rule of law and the Constitution. There will be no litmus test for party affiliation.”

The only difference: June 2 it was fire 46, October 12 it was fire 42, and the best guess is each was his being candid about his actual and consistent intent but his numbers were off between months, by 4, and then the "no litmus test" is such a flat out inexcusable on-the-record lie that his balls are roasting from pants on fire.

Last, if you say, first time he said "solid conservatives" to a celebrating Republican party gathering, but second time he said "Republicans" to a celebrating Republican party gathering; then you are over enamored of hair-splitting hyper-distinctions without any frigging difference. Atop that, you are a fool, or a dissembler, or both. AND - Keith Ellison was not even in the picture June 2, "Lori Swanson" he said then, so blaming the press calling bullshit on him as Ellison's doing just makes the pants burn hotter.

The man, and truth, are somewhat apart. In a substantial way. End of story.