
Monday, October 01, 2018

Conservative "Think" tanks.

This op-ed, titled, "The Increasing Irrelevancy of the Conservative Think Tank." Then there is Wikipedia: "Federalist Society." Surprisingly, Kavanaugh is not listed among "Notable Members" Wikipedia lists. Whether a non-member, or omitted on some other basis is unclear. The board. A Society "News" page.

Cataloging such names by Wikipedia and on the board reminds this Berniecrat of the ending of Casablanca, "Round up the usual suspects."

If greater mischief has come from any other organization besides the Roberts court itself, name it. This seems Public Enemy Number One. And Two, Three, and Four, rolled together. Vile people, although others may think differently.

The Wikipedia "Notable Members" lists, "Alex Kozinski, former Chief Judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit."

This Guardian report.

FURTHER: Kozinski has his own Wikipedia page, detailing claimed abusive behavior prior to his resigning his judicial seat.

Whether resignation from his present appellate court seat might be the better outcome for Kavanaugh than promotion up, can be debated. The opinion here is clear from other site content.