
Thursday, October 18, 2018

An LTE published by ABC Newspapers, submitted by DFL member Wes Volkenant. Naming names. Noteworthy in this season, because Wes is positive about those he names, no creepy images, no creepy voiceover, just people deserving a chance to help the rest of us.

Link, excerpt:

Democrats and progressives, it’s time to dig in and get our people to the polls – every day from now through Election Day, we can get our voters out and say NO to these Republican ideas that we have no community with.

Whether your issues are the raping of our environment, the disrespect of women, the greed of self-serving schemes that benefit the Chamber-of-Commerce types and big corporations, the protection of our union rights and benefits, the absence of what we liberals recognize is true religious liberty, or the lack of civil discourse with the communities of color and immigration – we can make a difference this fall.

Elect Tim Walz to lead our State for the next four years! Vote for Tina Smith and Amy Klobuchar. Put Kathryn Eckhardt, Bill Vikander, Sue Larson, Zack Stephenson, Connie Bernardy, Brad Brown, Kevin Fogarty, Mary Kunesh-Podein, Amir Malik, Erin Koegel or Melissa Hortman to the State House, representing their parts of Anoka County. On our County Board, return Mike Gamache, elect David Nelson, and choose either Sean Broom or Mandy Meisner – two terrific candidates in County District 4.

This list includes statewide and local north metro 'burb candidates. In addition Julie Blaha is the best candidate for Auditor; and Ellison likewise is the better choice of two, for AG. The marijuana legalization AG candidate has endorsed Ellison, but his name, Noah Johnson, will still be on the ballot. With the two sitting U.S. Senators and the Walz ticket looking to be leading in polls, voters should consider election day polling place crowding, and avoid the rush by early voting, and in doing so, do not neglect down ticket DFL choices. Turnout will mean victory, so do not ignore the civic duty. Last, on the judges, a contested choice - Michelle McDonald is NOT, NO WAY, one to vote for. Vote the incumbent if you do not know anything about judges on the ballot. Most are unopposed. I recognize some of those names because I've contributed to many of the campaigns Wes mentions, as well as Blaha and Ellison.

And in reviewing the issues Wes highlights, healthcare sanity ranks high. From the Ellison divorce file we see the pair facing healthcare distress because of Kim's MS and depression situation. If you care about that suffering, be certain that Keith, once elected, will know first-hand the importance of an AG with knowledge of and solutions for the over-aggresive ways of too many drug company executives and others in the medical-industrial complex. But do note, Wes wrote as he did, apart from this additional viewpoint. Eyes on the prize is his basic message, and this is a chance to echo the belief.

Last, ghoulishness needs censure, in that linked PiPress item Dave Orrick reported:


The political impact remains to be seen. Wardlow’s campaign seized on one aspect of the spousal maintenance dispute: Kim’s health insurance.

“Ellison Did Not Pay Court-Ordered Health Insurance for His Wife, Despite Her Having A Pre-Existing Condition,” reads the title of a statement from Wardlow’s campaign.

Here’s what that’s about: Kim Ellison is seeking more money from Keith Ellison because, according to a statement she provided to the court, her insurance company “dropped” her from coverage.

The divorce decree in place at the time stated that Keith Ellison would include Kim Ellison in his coverage. The language does contemplate that coverage could be terminated, but the issue of whether Keith Ellison owes his ex-wife money for that has not been resolved by the judge.

A hearing on that is scheduled for later this year.

Wardlow doing that. How heartless can one man be? Everybody else in the entire State has to feel sympathy for the financial straits that medical needs can impose, even on public officials where we have to see them as both officials, and humans with the identical basic needs we have.

An earlier post here noted the year of preparation and the filing of suit against insulin price gouging by Lori Swanson, as the present AG. that effort to stymie excessive greed, will see continuity if Ellison is elected, and distress will ensue if Wardlow gets an opportunity to favor the drug lords he likes. Wardlow opposes regulation of businesses, despite abusiveness they may display. If you want insulin price gouging to be reined in, go for AG continuity. It matters.

________FURTHER UPDATE________
In the top permanent post - permanent until election voting - perhaps there is error in saying earlier that Ellison is needed by us more than he needs us; given how meddling into his private divorce file has shown he and us share the need to be firmly against pharmaceutical price gouging, with Lori having started the process moving in the proper direction. Keep the ball rolling, please.