
Tuesday, October 02, 2018

Again, the young are the hope and future; and the undecideds in reported polling are problematic.

Whether each party's independent and private internal polling squares with AG related polling reported by Strib, the AG race surprises in that those familiar with Doug Wardlow are not unanimously disdainful and big-time worried about zealotry, so, proof again, some of the people all of the time, all of the people some of the time - and you honor Lincoln while knowing much wisdom is in that adage.

UPDATE: Perhaps those recognizing Wardlow's name and yet showing approval are like-minded Crusaders. (Is the better term "mindless" or "like-minded?" You decide. The thought here: Trumpster, please, no more holy oil wars on my account or Pence's. Bush gave me my fill of that brand.)

FURTHER: A compare and contrast, a young man looking as if within the 18-34 age range Strib's polling aggregates as a bloc, Zack Stephenson, a DFL candidate in Champlin [campaign contribution check will be in the mail], writing on the about page of his website:

In 2012, Zack represented five current and former Anoka-Hennepin School District students who had been harassed by their fellow students because of their sexual orientation. Zack recognized that the school district was doing a poor job of protecting students from anti-gay harassment. He worked with the Department of Justice, the Southern Poverty Law Center, and the Anoka-Hennepin School Board to negotiate a landmark settlement. In the settlement, the School Board agreed to adopt a host of new policies and procedures to protect all students from bullying and harassment. In the years since, incidents of bullying and harassment have decreased in Anoka-Hennepin. As a result of his work on this case, Zack was named an "Attorney of the Year" by Minnesota Lawyer Magazine.

Zack has been a member of the Coon Rapids Planning Commission since 2012 and was elected its Vice-Chair in 2017. He is a member of First Congregational Church of Anoka. A proud DFLer, Zack has worked as a staffer on many winning campaigns, including Amy Klobuchar's first U.S. Senate race. Zack was also Melissa Hortman's Campaign Manager during her first winning campaign in 2004.

[italics in the original] Betting on Zach having a positive effect in making a better world running well into after the Reaper has swung me into history's dustbin is a better bet than one on Wardlow, who also had his role in the Anoka-Hennepin ongoing anti-bullying enter-the-21st-Century saga. A hope here, with differing opinions possible, is that Wardlow, if remaining unchanged, reaches history's dustbin while still sucking the planet's air, doing whatever, while Zach prospers. Not hostility, not entirely, but just wanting each to get his due. Indeed, going beyond that, a highest and best hope for Wardlow is an epiphany on the road to Damascus leading to an eventful later life well into old age as an avowed secular humanist, making amends.

Back from that digression, the young, candidate Stephenson being a representative member of that class, a hat tip is due Stephenson over his web-wide salute as one among the best; see, e.g., here, here and here. As things should be. Good schools, a good career start. A man of conscience. An election pending.

FINAL UPDATE: Dan Burns posting in parallel, that item reviewed before adding the final few paragraphs above.