
Tuesday, October 23, 2018

A link, three AG candidates, one who has since endorsed one of the other two. Realistically Noah Johnson never had any great likelihood of winning the November election, and has endorsed Ellison.

This video, start viewing it at 7:20 to 7:30 min to avoid unrelated content; see in the same setting Ellison, Wardlow, and Noah Johnson, the candidate who has since endorsed Ellison for having, in Jonson's view, a better view of the cannabis legalization issue. That issue is not a major part of the session. There are moderators, and one individual of the three seems more inclined to be interruptive of another. One of the two in the middle will win the election, and the seating arrangement reflects the moderator intent that way, Ellison and Wardlow central, Johnson marginalized to the modeerator's left and not seated with the other two. There is some fairness to that seating, as nobody expected Johnson to win over one of the others, yet please do listen to Johnson because what he does say makes sense and hangs together. Were he to have had a real chance at the office he'd have likely been a good AG. WATCH it please before voting. The AG portion of things ends at around 42 and a half minutes and, again, begins after unrelated preliminary things at around 7 and a half minutes of video. That reckons to roughly 35 minutes of content, a bit beyond half an hour, and anyone unwilling to invest a half hour that way should just not vote that contest. An ignorant ballot is a civil right, but it wrongs the rest of us. A ballot of a person taking time and investing thought and disagreeing with me has respect since opinions differ. But voting while declining to be marginally informed is an abuse of a right doing wrong to the rest of us who will have to live with a majority vote, be it good, bad, or ugly.