
Monday, September 10, 2018

Time for a good screed. Mike Pence, decades ago, is not newsworthy. This is posted only to say so., this link.

If objecting to Pence, it should be for a substantial reason; his dominionism, i.e., his intense dogma and his will to want to impose it upon others who don't want it monkeying around with the nation and their lives. That and whether Pence knowingly lied about Flynn and Russian contact and about the true Trump motive for firing Comey. Given that Flynn copped a plea and so far it appears he has not implicated Pence with knowledge of the Russian contact falsehood, Pence emerges, apparently, without anything sticking to him from Trump actions and decisions. Unfortunately so, from the standpoint of those fearing any possible Pence ascension to the Presidency, via an impeachment and post-midterm Senate vote.

This upcoming election needs to be focused upon issues, upon how students have been screwed on student lending for years and years but how it can easily be fixed; about a disastrous tax cut with consequent deficit spending that future generations will have to pay off; upon the egregious court picks, and upon income inequality having to be fixed by actually taxing mega corporations and the obscenely wealthy [can you say Bezos]; AND, of course, the need for universal healthcare finally appearing to be a reachable goal despite big dark money spending, lobbyists, and all the snakes in DC.

The Clinton "triangulation," which was nothing beyond sucking up to big money via staking claim to the Republican economic agenda without appurtenant garbage, should be dead and buried and not resurrected; it being a sad day to see the Obama pledge against dark money - PAC money - scrapped by the Perez-led DNC. Getting money out of politics, given the egregious Roberts-Alito picks even before the Trump insults; (Citizens United being their hallmark); that money-politics situation needs to be undone in any and every way feasible. And it will not be undone by Republicans. It will not be undone by Mike Pence. It will not be undone with a stinking top court being in place to where the nation needs other ways and means.

But, again: What Mike Pence did with campaign money years ago is an unsound diversion from what is wrong now, and needs to be fixed ASAP, that meaning fixing it after the upcoming elections render, ideally, a fix possible.

Vote reform, or suffer buyers' remorse. The big money players; they've no cause for buyer's remorse. Their buying worked.