
Tuesday, September 04, 2018

The next election will be about ongoing injustices for the 99%, especially the educated young suffering and in debt. About families clawing for a living paycheck to paycheck. It is not about Trump spinning ineptly about Jeff Sessions nor about Trump spinning ineptly about organized labor.

Strib links suffice.

Sessions. AFL-CIO.

Strike at the heart of the issues: income inequality worse since any other time in the history of the nation; debt loading on every household and person aside from the super-rich; stagnant wages while prices climb and climbed consistently after the Wall Street fiasco during Bush times having led to a bailout cheapening the dollar; about the crying need for long-overdue universal health care well managed with privateers squeezed into some measure of decency; and about waste in wars and otherwise, including insider corruption. Trump and Jarad and Trump offspring being symbols of all that mismanagement, as are McConnell and Ryan who have held power and used it against instead of for the people. All they did since Trump took office is cut their own and their cronies' taxes, deficit spending the young and their future into serfdom to the rich. It is about even some well-connected Republicans facing a bankruptcy as with Michelle Benson's family. While students under the heel of debt are denied even that outlet for semi-relief. It is about a Washington DC that remains, to quote Mark Dayton, a cesspool. It is about raising the bar since it can hardly be any lower.

Consider that you are voting locally, including statewide local needs and issues. It is mainly about how you'd judge the job done to you by Mitch McConnell and Paul Ryan, serving a constituency that lobbies as much as Tim Pawlenty has and will, using money as a weapon while assisted by John Roberts and henchmen who have concocted the insane notion that corporations are equivalent to human beings.

In short, as said, it is about injustices. Moreover:

It's the rigged economy, stupid.
Do not let yourself be smoke-screened by tawdry effort and tweets. Are you well off now and without cause to complain? If so, you are in the upper 10% financially and will vote a straight Republican ticket. If you think and are in the bottom 80% VOTE SMART.