
Saturday, September 08, 2018

Stronger Together rehashed? No. It is Our Revolution. Progressive Bernicrats and allies; not "liberals." Liberals can be worked with, but Berniecrat Progressives deserve the driver's seat.

An op-ed which insults. Do not "L-word" us. Some L-word types will be carried with the flow; but Stronger Together is/was Clinton-Podesta-Biden-Booker and is proven to be past its pull date. Is Howard Dean relevant to today's driver's seat, or deserving of respect for earlier effort? Elizabeth Warren, okay, she is a liberal, but one with a heart more than a personal ego agenda. Warren scores okay, being without controlling ties to big, dark money, which defined the Clinton Gestalt. So Warren would make a very fine President. One Bernie would embrace.

There the story ends on liberals. Biden, don't even think it.