
Saturday, September 22, 2018

Steve Timmer is better at finding interesting video links than I am. The aim is the same, yet he's the better shot. [UPDATED]

Wardlow, of course. This link. Ted Cruz and Doug Wardlow remind me of the Mexican Flag, Cruz the eagle. Fly united.

A Strib op-ed on comparison of the Kavanaugh attempted rape allegation against the Ellison break-up of the relationship story of Monahan.

It omits one key point. Kavanaugh is not running against anyone. Ellison is running against a dangerous man, if allowed near the Attorney General's office, never mind the chance of that dangerous person becoming agency boss.

It is time to compare Tina Smith and Doug Wardlow. Smith represented Planned Parenthood at one time. It is a live and let live operation. It forces itself upon no one and does not do anything but provide a Constitutionally valid medical service which some oppose, along with a spectrum of other medical service and advice to willing patients who proactively seek it out for help. It is attacked, but attacks nobody. Wardlow has an agenda which is proactive and to many, vile. No one is ever saying Wardlow must practice his faith in any particular way, or that his faith has to be of a particular flavor. How Wardlow lives, who he cohabits with, as long as he avoids being a public nuisance or criminal, are not an issue within a live and let live perspective. He, in turn, disparages gay and transgender people in a way that would stigmatize and demean their living their lives without wanting any input from Doug Wardlow. In effect, Wardlow wants others to measure up to his view of faith. Tina Smith, as well as Kieth Ellison seek election based on secular policy views of what is best for a state and nation. Now and into the future. They oppose scapegoating in principle and by policy advocacy. If the function of the Attorney General's office were to police religion of the State's people, as Wardlow would like it to be, we'd be in a pickle.  And that is why he should be viewed as a Ted Cruz clone without as obnoxious a demeanor and persona but with the identical agenda. We can live and let live without having to suffer Ted Cruz directly, here in Minnesota. Wardlow is active and near and Ellison is all that stands between Wardlow and devastation of the Attorney General's office as we know and appreciate it. And Steve Timmer well appreciates the situation in writing of it. It is the same motivation felt here. There is no mystery to -

Live and let live. And to anyone who'd elevate the concept of an embryo being the same as an actual living coping human - do something for the homeless instead of getting into other people's face about their behavior choices and reproductive decision making. Be useful instead of a bigot and a scold.