
Sunday, September 02, 2018

John McCain -- Cause for praise; specificity being an aim, rather than indirect shots at Trump, or other things others have said after his death. May 9, 2013 "John McCain wants to make it easier for consumers to buy only the TV shows they want to watch."

Cumulative links: here and here. Kill off the cable and satellite bundling imposition. How can any sane consumer disagree?

Given bill sponsorship in limbo, Sens. Warren, Klobuchar, and Smith can look to elevate images by taking up the cause.

Libertarians, juggle such a positive governmental action possibility; and justify, please, how can you defend private sector implementations in this instance? There is no defense. As with lack of any justification for NOT having full net neutrality. It is just offesive greed along with a will to impose upon consumer-citizen rights to be treated decently by those holding regulatory power.

Indeed, one in a position of high power (and bully pulpit reach) railing against "media bias" should be backing up broad bloviating with the exact idea McCain advanced; so watch and wait? Or expect broad bloviating without any backup policy to make it real? Take a guess on whether specificity will be forthcoming.