
Thursday, September 20, 2018

I want to join Doug Wardlow's church. I want to do that so I can not pay one damned penny, but get my salvation benefits, for free.

Why say that about the pious man?

Well, he wants his kind of worker to be freeloading off unions. So sauce for goose is sauce for gander and I should freeload off his Jesus outlet. It is not worth quoting bill text since union leaders and rank-and-file can read. Links:

HF 2140, back then. HF 3009, back then. HF 2140 had Senate companion bill SF 1705 (Senate spoonsors: Thompson; Chamberlain; Gazelka; Parry; Lillie).

Sponsors of HF 2140: Drazkowski; Lohmer; Downey; Holberg; Quam; Benson, M.; Gruenhagen; Hancock; Wardlow; Scott; Anderson, B.; Franson; Leidiger; McDonald; Gottwalt; Kiffmeyer; Erickson; Bills; Myhra; Runbeck; Doepke.

Sponsors of HF 3009; (Wardlow rides again): Wardlow; Hancock; Quam; Leidiger; Drazkowski; Buesgens; Franson; Bills.

No Senate companion measure for the Wardlow second bite at the apple. Just that few never-quit batch of illustrious mischief makers in the House. (If unfamiliar with legislative sites; to read the bill text, as proposed, the links are given in opening text of the linked items. E.g., HF 2140 text; Hf 3009 text; showing that Wardlow did the hard work of taking existing text and reformatting. Likely working up a sweat. A sweat of rabid enthusiasm if nothing else.)

Bottom line: Wardlow wants to weaken union power and cohesion by enacting law favoring freeloaders off working folks' security and solidarity.

Timmer links to the video of Wardlow's moving for consideration of the HF 2140 measure, with a long and telling pause for failure to gain a second, with the thing he was pushing being like finding earthworms wiggling in the punchbowl.

It appears that after the videotaped experience the guy goes off and writes another worm pack for the punchbowl, i.e., the HF 3009 thing. Persistence in the face of rejection being a mark of the Wardlow persona, so give it to him. Reject his audacious bid to become Attorney General and monkey up the office outrageously. Rejected hubris being for Wardlow, its own reward.

Understand: The motive for the Jesus jockeys going after workers is so they can get an attaboy from the Koch brother wing of Republicans. An attaboy for working on the team. Getting the ticket punched by the adults in the room.

Give him his attaboy by voting Ellison.

As in, attaboy, now shut up and go away to pray against trans and gay folks, and tithe youself to the max while reviling taxes. You hate union workers. You pose, but are a willing Koch tool.

If the meek are going to inherit anything they have to learn what "vote your best pocketbook interest" means. It is not rocket science, but distractions about pious needs in the populace can delude the unwary. And dark money propaganda is a tide, so be smart, and be a skeptic.

Every union man and woman in the state, and every non-union worker who would like a fifteen buck minimum wage as advocated by the unions should hop aboard the Ellison train, and feel the Ellison necessity. Wardlow is after your livelihood, and you can be damned certain of that.

So, back to the headline: If Wardlow wants freeloading off the backs of union effort; I want into that sanctuary to freeload off his congregation. Fair is fair. A mirror reflects.

Yes. I can be a Wardlow too. Just meet the criteria of the song. (Hat tip to Timmer on that too.) This pious man, Wardlow, can roll around the floor and talk in tongues and bark like a pit bull, I don't care a rat's ass how he meets his Jesus, but don't fuck with the unions.

One term can be enough to establish an MO, and to lose an election once true colors are shown. False Prophets have been a problem with his religion, and you cannot get more false in the hearts of those working to live.

Wardlow wants to foster leeches off the work of organized membership.

The song fits him.

Is there anything in this post union members do not understand?

Young voting age McDonalds workers; Walmart labor; in SD 35, note Peggy Scott wants union busting too, from her seat in HD 35B. Michelle Benson, SD 31. You know that a vote is a broom, don't you?