
Saturday, September 15, 2018

For Minnesota CD8, being on both the Stauber and Radinovich email lists is an eye opener. Radinovich supports healthcare as a right.

Not living in CD8 and uncertain over whether either candidate would be best on sulfide mining; with Radinovich looking to have not painted himself into the "Just Do It" corner Stauber willingly embraced; healthcare remains the main issue difference there. Below, from a most recent Radionovich email, RADINOVICH HAS THE INFORMED AND DECENT HEALTHCARE AS A RIGHT OUTLOOK, AND ON THAT, HE IS ENDORSED HERE. His campaign wrote:

Americans’ ability to access quality healthcare is one of the most important issues that will face the new Congress next year. This administration and the GOP have consistently put our healthcare at risk by doing everything they can to cripple the Affordable Care Act -- [...] we know that healthcare is a right, not a privilege. No American should have to worry about what would happen if they got sick because they can’t afford a visit to the doctor. No Minnesota family should have to choose between paying for insurance and putting food on the table.

The Republican Congress wants to take us down the wrong path. The GOP has voted over and over to destroy the ACA, but that would only make it more difficult for folks to access healthcare.

Please note, this is NOT mere support of a simple fix-the-ACA in some unspecified and perhaps minor cosmetic way dance-along. It is going the full distance in unconditionally embracing healthcare as a right, i.e., universal coverage of every person. Not detailed, but sending Radinovich to Congress would lock in a joining of support with others in the House and Senate with the same generic goal. That would include Bernie on the Senate side. Ocasio-Cortez in the House, presuming she wins the predominantly Democrat district where she won the primary.

Progress, in short.

Hence, Radinovich is clearly the better choice. Stauber has no care about environmental harm, irreversible or slightly less than that. Nothing resembling an embrace of universal coverage as a right has emerged from the Stauber camp. Not a peep. He does not need any third strike, to be out.

______________FURTHER UPDATE______________
While still bristling at how the DFL Latino Caucus ambushed Leah Phifer, and with little affection for that caucus and less for Justin Perpich, it nonetheless is time to follow Phifer's lead in closing ranks. Radinovich gets the 1 x $27 check however, with Ken Martin, Justin Perpich, and Rick Nolan as well as Mayor Frey contacts having to carry the big weight. Radinovich has in-state contacts and DCCC can do some decent degree of lifting to keep the seat; so I am rationing contribution dollars. BOTTOM LINE: If endorsing the candidate, be tangible to some degree, and post the contribution data for others to tangibly assist:

Radinovich for Congress
PO BOX 235
Crosby MN 56441 United States

With that for snailmail, and ActBlue

For those weighing endorsements greatly, Joe's got them - the usual unions and fellow DFL office holders, where he should seek out Leah Phifer too so he can show a specific endorsement from her also, since it would carry weight with many who backed her in CD8 and outside the district (Tomassoni, expressly, not Phifer, that's a bit raw):

LAST: The Republicans disingenuously attack Joe's driving record while loving Kurt Daudt, whose record is worse - and Joe's got no gun waving auto passenger background in another state, unlike Daudt. Also years ago, Radinovich received a pot violation, meaning he's on the enlightened side of medical mj, and likely would not be as knuckle-dragging as Stauber on recreational use (along with the tax revenue boost the state would gain, as in Colorado and Washington, where regulation assures product veracity while getting the gangsters out of the driving seat, replacing them with regulators). PLEASE NOTE: That is a feeling of belief held here, with Radinovich having his own chance to speak to the issue as and when he may care to. Healthcare for all, that is already on record, and it is enough. Stauber's position on sulfide mining is irresponsible in its pandering to mining interests above all else in wanting a win. Why he's gone that route? Ask him.

Anyway, the check will be in the mail.