
Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Ellison has a record you can count on.

ON THE OTHER HAND: A one term wonder, close to Col. Kline [the privateer "colleges" guru], -and- Chief Author of a right-to-work-for-less union busting measure.

Moreover, Ellison's AG opponent signed on with regular suspect co-conspirators on voter-ID mischief.

Ask yourself, why is this individual disinclined to run on his record. Not even a website dogwhistle about wanting to disenfranchise voters and bust up labor solidarity. Check it out, fluff and BS, no substance:

Union members up on the Iron Range should pay special attention in order to not be misled into mistake. Union members there and throughout the state should read and understand the intended reach of -

HF 3009 as introduced - 87th Legislature (2011 - 2012) Posted on 04/20/2012 09:31am

Union members throughout Minnesota know that Ellison is their friend, on the record, over time, when and where it counts.

Ellison has no deep-seated fear or loathing of gay or trans people, who are people like the rest of us, for example, like my father who during the 1920's German hyperinflation (which hit hard and preceded our depression during the early 1930's) jumped ship in Halifax and ended up with U.S. citizenship. Immigration happens. In good ways. My father before gaining citizenship was mailed an order to serve in Hitler's army, and instead worked during war years in a Ferguson, MO, munitions plant where danger and risk of catastrophic death was a daily thing. After that, a steady union worker. All the American Dream stuff, not curtailed by bigotry or anti-unionism.

Why be hateful?