
Saturday, September 15, 2018

Early polling is, essentially, early. That said, late polling in 2016 encouraed Clinton complacency; so take polling with a grain of salt.

Real Clear Politics, here, makes a great deal of sense. Ditto, here.

Complacency and some weird and unexpected change could happen, but that is unlikely, here.

In those instance, GOTV by the DFL will be NEEDED. More so, in tighter races.

This one, as in last cycle, astounds me. No polling result reported there yet. Craig would be expected to be head and shoulders above mediocrity; but last cycle mediocrity prevailed. While Craig is so clearly superior, my rationed contributions are going elsewhere. Craig is a millionaire and can self-finance along with DCCC which put a thumb on the scale prematurely against another Democrat. It is a matter of principle - I will not give little-guy money to any millionaire. Republicans do that, so I defer. But if living in CD2 I would get antsy waiting to vote Craig.

Readers can explore other Real Clear Politics data via internal links. But again complacency vs stout GOTV grassroots action up to election day is where the DFL could do less than best.

Vox. Old data, but encouraging. With that situation lasting into November, and with GOTV staying vigorous among Democratic Party grassroot volunteers, Our Revolution people as well as others; both federal houses of Congress are in play. Despite current demographics in each; too many Republicans to have good government, hope abounds.

Randy Brice, please, please, please take that seat, even with Paul Ryan bailing out so as not to be voted out. We need that symbolic victory, to feel best.