
Saturday, September 29, 2018

As a member of the jury, the public watching Kavanaugh testify, I believe he was evasive and lying. [UPDATED]

With the televised testimony, you get to see demeanor, and that guy interrupted, evaded questions, and still looked bad while the Republicans were delivering caviling eulogies. Watching that bunch, their collective Gestalt led me to a far greater appreciation and respect for the two women Minnesota has representing the State in the Senate. The Senate Republicans in that hearing room left an oil slick.

This is not blind believe the "victim" - believe the accuser being the better terminology as more neutral at the start. It is looking at the man and wondering how strings were pulled to get him to where he is, apart from where dark forces want to send him.

How did someone coming across as so mediocre and mendacious get to a seat on a federal appeals court? Link.

EmptyWheel. [FURTHER: EmptyWheel Homepage]

_________FURTHER UPDATE___________
WaPo, linking to other WaPo item, and NYT item.