
Monday, September 24, 2018

Are Big Sky Values ones you share?

Steve Bullock, Montana Governor, and his supporters appear to have launched the BIG SKY VALUES site. Please, for now bookmark the site and consider contributing. Surely there are elections pending where money would help, but long term reaches and goes beyond 2020.

Related links of interest:


Big Sky Values PAC Contribution Page

Steve Bullock was NOT one of the persons who prematurely jumped all over Al Franken for their own agendas/purposes, i.e., NOT saying to DC or other news sources whether Al should leave the Senate without a full, prior airing of facts.

Those were others.

ALSO: Unlike voting, you can contribute early and OFTEN. So, please consider it.

FINALLY: Just as executive order power can help advance Net Neutrality despite the Trump FCC, it perhaps could do something to quell zombie phone calls, (those jiggered-number solicition/scam phone calls which we all know and suffer), by similarly incentivizing phone companies as was started by Bullock with the Internet service providers. It would help our shared Big Sky by clearing the the Sky's airwaves of garbage, state by state, by executive order power over state purse-strings. Someone should initiate that effort.

There is more:

Governor Steve Bullock on Money in Politics

21st Century Democrats

Montana Post:

Steve Bullock for President? - by Nathan Kosted - February 7, 2018 7:45 am

I’ve worked on three presidential campaigns and in my experience it definitely looks like Steve Bullock is taking the initial steps that a potential candidate takes to position themselves for the nomination.

Here’s the evidence:

1. He’s started a national PAC(Big Sky Values PAC) and raised around half a million dollars and is touring the country visiting important states that are necessary to win a Democratic nomination.
2. Governor Bullock spoke at a Center for American Progress(CAP) event in 2017. CAP is a leading organization involved in presidential candidate preparation and vetting.
3. One of the most telling facts is that Governor Bullock spoke at a very exclusive event held by one of Hillary Clinton’s most controversial advisors. When reached out to for comment a spokesperson for the Governor said Steve Bullock is “interested in being a part of the conversation about the future of the country and the future of the Democratic Party.”
4. As well as this quote from Governor Bullock to the New York Times:

“I believe the time is right to lend my voice, the voice of someone that after getting elected has been able to govern in what’s viewed as a red state. Some of the things that I’ve been able to do in Montana can also translate beyond just the state’s border.”

Any of these things by themselves could be dismissed, but combine the four pieces of evidence and the only conclusion is that Steve Bullock is considering running and talking to people who are preparing him for a run.

I’m one of the few people who can say they’ve supported Steve Bullock since he ran in the Democratic primary for Attorney General. Those of us who supported him then built an argument that he was the best candidate suited to represent progressives in the long run. He had already proven himself in 2006 by running the “Raise the Wage” campaign that successfully raised the minimum wage in Montana and tied wage increases to inflation so that currently Montana still has a higher minimum wage than the national minimum wage.

[multiple links in original omitted] Nathan Kosted wrote of Bullock as Presidential, in Montana.

This post writes of Bullock as Presidential, in Minnesota.

The band wagon starts its movement early, but stay with it for the finish. This is Real. This is Fresh. And promising.

Kamala Harris might be good on the second spot of a ticket. To balance things population-wise, and making it coastal buttressing Heartland.

However, there are a host of people who could balance a ticket from Heartland, while such a ticket would need proven momentum first before any second spot guessing would be relevant.

BOTTOM LINE: Keep the person, the name Bullock, in mind.

____________FURTHER UPDATE____________
In the Kosted - MontanaPost item quoted above, link checking found a dead link, (item 3 in that quote). The best guess is David Brock is the "controversial" person, and readers may try links here and here [p.4, luncheon speaking panel]. With Holder and Bullock speaking together, is a suggestion a Holder-Bullock ticket; or better yet, a Bullock-Holder one? Speculation is more fun than a Doug Wardlow speech (yet dental work is also more fun than a Doug Wardlow speech, i.e., a better analogy might apply).

____________FURTHER UPDATE____________
East coast and Heartland: Elizabeth Warren - Steven Bullock, and there the second spot would not be Warren. Another: Steven Bullock - Tulsi Gabbard, Heartland and the Islands. This could go on and on.

Billings Gazette.

Beltway/DC insiders take notice.

Lest anyone think Bullock is lukewarm on the Medicare/Medicaid necessities, there is a clearly worded petition effort you can join. With every added name a likely voter, the hope is some level of traction attaches to a greater number of petitioners. Consider signing. Yet be on notice, it does lead to a survey ending with a contribution solicitation. I passed that up because a check already is in the mail.

Readers can add their name to the petition and pass up the survey or fill it out, as they choose. The number of petitioners is what matters most.