
Friday, August 17, 2018

Young people and working people are getting involved ... What Donald Trump did was pick up on the failures of the Democratic Party ...

Short Bernie videos, one from days ago - published online on this Tuesday's primary voting day in Minnesota. The other video was posted August 15.

1. Bernie has gotten a haircut.

2. Bernie is getting airtime.

3. In the course of the videos Bernie emphasizes that the establishment lacks the faith of the people, while remaining in control.

4. Bernie is being truthful which is why Republicans and corporatist Democrats dislike him. By contrast, their shabbiness and deceptions and working against the people becomes obvious to all, short of the most doctrinaire of defenders of the corporate controlled big donor friendly inner operatives of both parties.

--- Watch each video in whatever order you like. If Bernie has one most noteworthy characteristic, it is optimistic consistency of his policy position messages and how they resonate with so many, and how their consistent articulation has energized many.

In one video Bernie declares no interest in running again. On that question, by mid-2019 we shall see whether his aims are the same then. He appears sincere in wanting to energize young people and working people into believing they have a chance to make a difference toward fixing the broken system where Bernie as an example notes one person, Jeff Bezos, clears over two hundred million more wealth in a day while paying his workers a wage insufficient for them to be off Medicare and Food Stamps.

People are awakening to how that's not changed but solidified by Trump and his cabinet. Many are locked into Trump-talk despite the facts; many are awakening; and Bernie shows a belief, whether proven true or not, that people are being energized and together looking at the ultimate reform of The System to take better care of them with the greed of the wealthy being made subject to the will of the populace.

Were Bernie to say more often that military spending must be curbed to move the process toward the goal of citizen well-being, it would be nice, until they shoot him. There is a tightrope walk to that. Mattis likely dislikes Bernie. Presumably it has not become hatred, but clearly we must fight any agenda of intentional instigation of war with Iran; however tarted up the thought might be in the ways that Bush/Cheney/Powell tarted up the truth to get to war with Iraq. War mongering is always the greatest threat to survival of civilization and cultures. Yet the vested military needs some action to lessen possible threats to their obscene share of the federal budget.

Then - Those beltway rats sucking up the money slushing around and corrupting the federal government and state houses, the Luis Mirandas of the beltway and New York City, the Tim Pawlenty lobbyist types, the big donors knowingly holding the capacity to call the shots, all that corruption needs to be suppressed by populist and progressive force, however that may happen.

Long term continuation of the status quo is a societal threat needing a solution, and that solution is well enough evident to progressives; and to those whom progressives want to disempower. The problem is that they, within their unending class warfare ways and means, are vehemently opposed to seeing any future beside an increase in their power and in their insatiable greed. We will need strong willed alternative candidates, who Bernie sees appearing. His optimism is strong, but we are far from the prize and there will be years in the wilderness before any Promised Land materializes.

The young who gravitate to Bernie may not see enough change in their lifetimes; but their chances are better than mine. The young are the future of the world, so may they remain energized and may they prosper. Debt loading and insufficient income amounts and consistency is a daily threat wearing against the young now, worse than such strategies broke down too many of my generation, hence, the hope is that, somehow, an insufficient number will be co-opted into being their generation's bastards.

My generation has produced enough bastards to cover the next five to ten generations, so I am less optimistic than Bernie, but hoping.