
Monday, August 13, 2018

William Congreve

Few may recognize the name, yet he has a Wikipedia page and could turn a good phrase.

Some Congreve lines have become more proverbial than Proverbs.

Is scorn and rage with retribution today's hot news? Where might news move next?

The Kieth Ellison situation:

Readers might understand the transition. As a first principle, those non-Republicans having opinions related to the Rob Porter resignation back in February should not have major argument reversal when the foot being pinched by a shoe is in their political party.

Second principle, every fact situation is unique with allegations needing careful reading and guessing of a lot not proven yet in a public light as unequivocal fact.

FOX 9, the Twin Cities' primary FOX outline has put online the text of the post of Karen Monahan's adult son, the text of the item posted later by Karen Monahan, and a quite selective "reactions" page.

Monahan's statement is replete with jargon of a kind not in common usage, but likely from some counseling group, psychologist, social worker, or sociologist, since that is where syndrome catalogizations abound, likely from a thought that if you give something a name you understand it. And there has to be a short distinct spiffy label for any pattern pathology, else it is guesswork vs skilled experienced diagnosis.

Karen Monahan submitted:

I have now come to realize it is not as easy to stand for what is right and just when you are smeared and cast out of your “so called community” than when you have the mass standing with you. Any country or community that condones violence toward another groups humanity, isn’t a group I necessarily want to follow. A collective psychosis must occur for any form of abuse to be rationalized or dismissed. When a malignant cell spreads, it becomes cancer. Violence in this country is a cancer.,

After a several years of being in a relationship with Keith Ellison, It became clear, I had survived narcissist abuse. Unless you have been through narcissist abuse, it is the most difficult form of abuse to articulate. It leaves survivors (if they survive) with serious health impacts, complex ptsd, depression and so many other devastating impacts. It is a slow insidious form of abuse. You don’t realize it is happening until it’s too late. Now that I understand it and have done so much healing, I can look back at certain moments and experiences in this relationship and they now make perfect sense. I or nobody else can diagnose a person with narcissistic personality disorder (NPD). But I am well aware of the traits and I witnessed each one of them.

PTSD and NPD are absent from the Austin Monahan item. He is an outsider to the vexing jargon, which makes his statement less vexing to read.

The reactions should all be two people make allegations, the general public is shown that but no bolstering evidence. Mention in some reporting is made of texting turned over to by the Monahans to MPR but without it being quoted.

TIMING: Politically, party-wise, it is best the situation surfaces before the primary since it allows voters of Ellison's party to vote their risk aversions, i.e., if Ellison is thought to not be electable because of this, who else is running in the party primary with a best chance of denying the office to the Republicans. Politically, in terms of individuals in the saga, this is a time pinch put upon Ellison when the bomb could have been thrown earlier, and easier for all. Timing is suspect. Yet the underlying truths are what matter more, and those will either surface with time, or should Ellison not win the AG primary the truths may or may not further unfold and be reported publicly, which may or may not be regarded then as "news" by media outlets.

Late as it is in things, the die is cast.

As to the selective reactions page; do note that the Commerce Department head is the only DFL AG candidate not quoted as having dipped an oar into the waters.

Ken Martin so far is not reported to have uttered even a single peep about the Ellison-Monahan problem. Brave as Martin is in climbing onto Richard Painter's declining to sing the party song, this so far seems a third-rail to Martin.

Once the dust settles, Martin may have a platitude to offer.