
Sunday, August 26, 2018

MN CD8 Republican candidate Stauber gets his knickers in a twist - over traffic law: "Pete Stauber has staked his career on character and integrity," spokesperson Caroline Tarwid said in a news release. "For much of that same time, Joe has been ignoring the very law and order that hardworking Minnesotans in the 8th District follow every day."

The headline is a paragraph within a Brainerd Dispatch online report that Joe's paid his account off, with the record standing that Radinovich now owes nothing for past traffic and parking infractions.

Yeah Pete. Hammer such scofflaw things as traffic tickets. The purity of the "hard workers who obey the law in CD8" is a tremendous thing to run on, when little else favors a Trumpster Congressional wannabe, with Trumpster cohort criminal pleas falling right, left and center; immunity grants included. Millionaires cheating the government, big time crime, and Stauber turning a blind eye to such true CRIME to talk traffic tickets.

Well, this multi-county decade-long Isanti County resident scofflaw must not be "hard working" or something, under the Stauber test; with the two most recent violations of law "hard working Minnesotans in the 8th District follow every day," being actually dangerous - phone use while driving/in traffic, and later imperiling a cross-walk instead of taking time to find a legal parking spot. Not Pete's kind of guy, too worthless:

While I might agree with Pete's campaign that a lack of "character and integrity" may exist with the individual, I'd base it more on policy.

On policy, where is Pete on the income inequality his party's written into federal tax law earlier and as a Christmas gift to the super-wealthy most recently; and where is Pete on the corrosive effect of big money on politics, something his party's court jockeys inflicted on us via Citizens United and Hobby Lobby.

Pete on substantive stuff; MIA

And why is he indirectly so hard on Kurt Daudt's scofflawery? Does he even know Daudt? Is it anything but a ham-handed amateur negative campaign stunt where the positive is largely lacking? Whether Daudt by analogy gets thrown under a bus matters little because Stauber is running, running, running from all the serious, actual crime Mueller and SDNY prosecutors are uncovering in Washington, DC and Gotham City.

Bless the selective, in politics: Law and Order in the eye of the beholder.