
Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Mediocre man with mediocre children. Donald J. Trump.

Bill Clinton, as faulted as he is politically and as to conduct, never paid hush money. Start there.

Then this, Strib carrying an AP feed; "Kavanaugh, in memo, advised graphic sex questions for Clinton - By KEVIN FREKING Associated Press - August 20, 2018."

What do you think this gentleman's regard for a Trump inquiry might be, once the Democrats take over both houses of Congress?

What about that toady, Pence? What's he said about the situation? Research it. MIA entirely, and his Jesus-loving base should wonder.

The Trump offspring. Does anyone believe the apples did not fall right under the tree where you could not get any closer.

Cohen turns. Good.

And the other toady, CD3's Paulsen votes with Trump and likely loves the dismemberment of regulations. May he live downwind from a coal fired plant. In the plume of discharge, and may his constituency - the medical device industrial complex - be taxed so that those unable to even afford the procedures of implanting that stuff face a lesser tax burden, with the device industry to pay to expand coverage so that more can benefit from device implantations regardless of cost, by single payer coverage. Tax the device mavens to the max, which would be fairness that billionaires should also face.

Can any of all this stuff stick to Pence? That is the hope of the moment and for the future.

As faulted as Trump is, Pence would be sanctimoniously worse. Same policy, same people or worse, and the will to load on even more of the same divisive reproductive planning constraints placed upon those not wanting nor deserving governmental intrusion into their privacy and medical procedure choices. With the Pence personality personally offensive beyond the ways Trump rhetoric offends. All the offensiveness, none of the rascal charm of Trump. Dead wood.

There would be Schadenfreude to some of the muck sticking to Pence too; although his base would disagree. If it does happen that Pence can be Agnewed, I would surely be the first to say, "God's will," on his way out the door. With a smirk in saying it.

There has not been as mediocre a presidency, even going back to Nixon, and the only more destructive presidency was Reagan's undercutting of labor and the American people beyond the wealthy who've held the reins ever since.

Tax 'em. It would be fair for a change.

Last, I promise the world I will stop blogging if somebody pays me six-figure hush money. Really.

Have a nice day.