
Friday, August 10, 2018

Iowa beckons. The star-struck are attracted.


Stormy Daniels' lawyer in Iowa, says it's not a stunt
By CATHERINE LUCEY Associated Press
August 10, 2018 — 8:28am

WASHINGTON — Michael Avenatti's crusade for the porn actress taking on the president has already catapulted him to cable news stardom and endeared him to many frustrated liberals. Now the self-styled "dragon slayer" is taking his message to Iowa Democrats.

And the attorney who has spent months positioning himself as one of President Donald Trump's leading critics insists this foray into Iowa — an early proving ground on the presidential campaign calendar — is not a stunt.

"I am seriously considering it, and I think a lot of it is going to hinge on what direction I think the party is taking and who is likely to get in the race," Avenatti said in an interview. He said he's not trying "to get under the president's skin."

And should he commit to a run, one thought is like Jesse Ventura running for Minnesota governor under the name he is better known as rather than under his birthname Janos, Avenatti might consider instead of going on ballot and in caucusing, road signs, etc., under his given name Michael Avenatti, he should go on ballot as, "Stormy Daniels' Lawyer." Name recognition among the voting public is a big thing in politics, so if the recognition fits, wear it.