
Thursday, August 23, 2018


TMZ loves sleaze, here and a day later here. Things are getting stale when economic issues of progressives get sidetracked by METOO, and it is time to reach a sounder balance in adult-oriented needs of families and workers, organized or not, minimum wage or not. Yes, harassment in the work place is a problem; but it is not what wins elections. It should go into things as one plank of progressive platform positions. However, the tail should not wag the dog, and Kirstin Gillibrand should be less aggressive in her slashes and burns. Those truly presidential are different and do not cavalierly use careers of others as springboards. And they call out big money instead of sucking up to it like Gillibrand or Cory Booker. We do not need more of the same while Richard Painter's dumpster fire still burns strong in the cesspool of DC:

CP: What has, for you, has been the most surprising thing--good or bad--about Washington?

MD: I said 10 years before I came here that I thought Washington was a cesspool, and nothing here has changed my opinion of it.