
Thursday, August 30, 2018

"Fundamentalists vest great power in the authoritarian leader who brooks no disagreement," Leonard said. "They have an appreciation for Trump as an authoritarian figure." [UPDATED]

The post headline is from here. Check out the item. Make of it what you will.

Some will see it differently than I do. Alabama is different from where I live.

The headline is not enough, so, more:

"He has defended the womb," Kilpatrick said. "The president has taken a stand for life. Second, the president has taken up for Israel and has declared Jerusalem the capital of Israel. Third, he has chosen Supreme Court justices - that's going to turn this nation around. Those three things are why the spirit of Jezebel hates him and wants him out. We may be on the verge of the greatest revival this world has ever seen."

Some people can rationalize anything. Agenda and cash flows can be part of the subject, but cash flow coverage was omitted from the article. Perhaps that will be next month's article's main theme.

I cannot see any of them covered in the article dying on a cross for anything, any time, at all, anywhere. Can you?

Nor can I see them fitting through the eye of a needle.

The Beast rages, some say.


Showing a learning curve, regret and perhaps loathing, for cause; per Breitbart:

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who was Sen. John McCain’s (R-AZ) running mate in the 2008 presidential election, has been excluded from his funeral.

Breitbart News has independently confirmed an earlier report in People magazine, which reported that Palin was not sent an invitation and was told through intermediaries to stay away from the ceremony.

McCain fundraiser Carla Eudy confirmed to People that Palin had not been invited — possibly, People speculated, at the behest of the McCain family.

The news comes on the tenth anniversary of the date in 2008 when Palin was announced as McCain’s pick for vice president.

Palin now joins President Donald Trump on the list of those barred from the funeral.

Was Ted Cruz invited? Guess. Dying is problem enough, why exacerbate it?