
Monday, July 02, 2018

Strib does hatchet job on DFL.

Three DFL candidacies exist going into a primary where two will close ranks around a victorious third, and the DFL will move on with a sounder, smarter, unified policy agenda which will contrast as superior to the money-influenced backwards-thinking GOP primary victor's approach.

Strib attempts to sow dissent as "reporting," online here. Each candidacy will be saying we offer the best choice, and supporters will until primary voting day have a crying towel out over a "lesser strength then our ticket outstate worry" which will disappear once the primary votes are tallied. Strib folks know that, as well as former GOP legislator and Strib owner Glen Taylor knows it.

Go figure.

Strib ignores this telling truth of who is who. Voters should not ignore it. Those of the GOP have Jeff Johnson as an untainted alternative. Johnson is more conservative than the bankster, that is a fault, but he's his own man and not big banking's brought in man. There is that difference. Trust is a personal thing GOP voters might need to wrestle with. On the DFL side, whichever of the three tickets gets the most primary votes is trustworthy from the get-go.

Strib is biased in omitting the Pawlenty truth. Not a peep!

The three DFL candidacies, any one of them, against bank-bought BS, is better than the alternative of DC moods and money buying the Governor's mansion and attendant powers. The likes of Eric Lucero, they may favor an out-of-state money backed trickster, or a super-conservative career politician who at least has been consistent in policy and in-state presence. Most in Minnesota are brighter less doctrinaire and more inclusive than Lucero.