
Monday, July 02, 2018

If Mexico can vote out the entrenched PRI with a reform ticket, what, besides entrenched Democratic Party inertia and donor-love, can stop us from ousting the GOP?

It was a reform candidacy. This websearch, two links, here and here. Strib carrying the AP's feed.

Our DNC-DCCC-DSCC is problematic, since they want only control, NOT reform. Ouster of entrenchment has to be a two party purge, or at least a one party, Democrats, feeling the faith. Improbable? Yes. Possible? Yes. A purge of the superdelegate fraud, or at least binding "superdelegates" to in-state voting results would be the first needed step. Let them convene. Do not let them continue to give us dreck.

Kissing the donor class hands while kneeling and swearing eternal allegiance, reform of that is needed too.

Absent reform, there is Trump; and Trump-lite. Ryan, and Ryan-lite. Bolton war-mongering, and Bolton-lite. Hardly an appealing choice.

Or is it just that the Mexicans are smarter than us, bolder, and better informed? Less propagandized into sheeple by moneyed interest owning the press? At least short-term it seems so. We do need to see how things work out, promises and hope aside, the elected always must govern and be judged by that measure.