
Friday, July 06, 2018

Hegseth again - How will he handle the early discharge pattern showing now within the Army?

Strib carrying an "AP exclusive" titled, "AP NewsBreak: US Army quietly discharging immigrant recruits, By MARTHA MENDOZA and GARANCE BURKE, Associated Press - July 5, 2018.

Given self-effected spokesman status per the Koch-backed veterans organization, Concerned Veterans of America, a seeming astroturf politicization of veteran matters from an ultra-right Koch and FOX friendly perspective; how will Hegseth handle this affront to those who volunteered to serve?

At a guess, courage showing, Hegseth will say absolutely nothing. Zippo. Finding another tub to thump, another ax to throw grind. One of the most powerful editorial moves is to decide what to not present as news, or as subject for analysis and editorializing.

Hegseth silence is the forecast - with a hope he proves me wrong.