
Monday, July 16, 2018

Cornel West via an interview explains his belief that Obama is an inappropriate speaker at a Nelson Mandela celebration..

The item's intro first two paragraphs:

Former US president Barack Obama will deliver the Nelson Mandela annual lecture in Johannesburg on Tuesday.

His invitation to speak has drawn widespread criticism from South Africa's civil society who say Obama's record as president deems him unworthy of the honour of speaking at the late anti-apartheid icon's birth centennial.

There is insult to such a choice, which West amply explains.

Read it. It presents truth. West's commentary not only distinguishes Obama from Mandela, but he aptly differentiates between Obama and Trump with little praise for either; but with a lesser regard for Trump.

The drone strike guy gave his speech. Reportedly:

Obama opened by calling today's times "strange and uncertain," adding that "each day's news cycle is bringing more head-spinning and disturbing headlines." These days "we see much of the world threatening to return to a more dangerous, more brutal, way of doing business," he said.

Irony? It could not be a lack of self awareness. The drone guy gets a free pass in U.S. media.