
Tuesday, July 17, 2018

A big problem I have with Richard Painter's emailings over his senate run. He fumes about Trump impeachment without even a casual nod to first having to Agnew Mike Pence as a prelude to impeachment and removal of Trump.

In a solicitation email, Painter's camp wrote:

When he gets to Washington, Richard will immediately call upon the leaders of the House and Senate to initiate Congressional investigations into Trump, his family, and his political cronies. If they uncover evidence of high crimes and misdemeanors, Richard will call for impeachment proceedings to begin immediately. We cannot allow our highest office to be run from Moscow while our President slanders our allies and glad-hands tinpot dictators.

[bolding in original]

In the Nixon purge the threat of a President Agnew was neutered at the outset. The identical need exists with Mike Pence. Pence is Trump's cynically appointed insurance policy against impeachment.

Take down Pence first. Then tell me about the beauties of an impeachment of Trump.

UPDATE: It is hard to take seriously one who rails repeatedly in email over Trump while as best as remembered his emailings have never included the word "Pence." It leaves one with a sense of being played. Whether true or not, the imprression is Painter is hunky dory with Mike Pence, as if Pence were "presidential" in some dimension and not deficient in most ways that matter.

As a thought experiment and a major challenge try to think of a single way you'd regard Mike Pence as presidential.

Not a way you can think of, surely, but the fault is not in your ability to think, inside or outside of the box. Where then is the fault? Go figure. Why is Painter silent over Pence? Go figure. I cannot think of a single reason to shout "Impeach" without a recognition of the Pence problem such an impetuous cry necessarily includes. And Painter is far from being an ignorant man or a sloppy thinker. Hence: He knows.