
Monday, June 04, 2018

When voices arise from Minnesota's GOP blog world saying the same thing you almost imagine there was a round table where campaign orientation was chosen: Love your guns - and vote out of fear - the metro women are after 'em!

GOTV!..Gun Owner Trained Voting!

It is never to early to inflame passions (accommodating pastors may help).

Limited sample disclosure: Mitch Berg and Gary Gross. But who else blogs that way, so sample size is not a valid objection.



DFL convention continued until Sunday – when Murphy made her big announcement; her running mate was…

…Erin Maye Quade. A left wing extremist, whose wife is a paid organizer for Michael Bloomberg.

So the message from the DFL convention: “Don’t be silly, nobody’s coming for your guns. But we’re coming for your guns”.

DFL endorsed gubernatorial candidate Erin Murphy has never minced words about her antipathy toward civilian gun owners; her platform is a dog’s breakfast of every terrible, ineffective bit of security theater that *can not* affect crime rates *or* mass shootings. And Erin Maye Quade’s wife is a paid “Everytown” employee. Long on snark, short on reasoning, Maye Quade never saw any pointless theatrics she didn’t like.

And long-time DFL Attorney General Lori Swanson lost the DFL’s endorsement, almost like flipping a light switch, when challenger (and extreme gun grabber) Matthew Pelikan mentioned that, as liberal as Swanson is on every other issue, she’s a solid defender of the law-abiding citizen’s right to keep and bear arms. And Tim Walz lost what had been considered a sure-fire endorsement in large part because he *used to be* a strong 2nd Amendment supporter (before throwing Minnesota’s law-abiding gun owners under the bus to unsuccessfully woo the increasingly extremist DFL delegate base; even that wasn’t enough to save the endorsement.

[italics added]

Gary Gross:

Erin Squared: the gun-hating ticket?
June 4th, 2018

I don’t know why I used the question mark in the title but it’s there and I’m too lazy to change it this morning. But I digress. The point of this post is to highlight the DFL’s gubernatorial ticket’s utter hostility towards legal gun owners. This morning, the Gun Owners Caucus issued a fact sheet on the ‘Erin Squared’ ticket vis a vis gun control.

It started by saying “The battle lines couldn’t be more clear. This weekend, at their convention in Rochester, the DFL endorsed the most extreme anti-gun ticket we’ve seen in Minnesota. DFL-endorsed Governor candidate Erin Murphy, an anti-gun State Representative who is proud of her “F” rating from the NRA and the Caucus. She’s been hostile to gun owners from her very first term.”

This link, first sentence.

It will be tedious leading to Novemvber with that stuff. Couldn't those brain trust GOP inner party movers and shakers at least gone for a talking point to the Chamber of Commeerce and the pastors? Will it only be guns, guns, guns?

Sure, it will be tough to sell a bank lobbyist as having your back; so something has to be manufactured as a surrogate distraction issue. Teens killing teachers and other teens be damned, look to the greater good. It's, after all, for a good cause - GOP hegemony and east coast gunsmith firm profits are both at stake - and the Europeans, their Glocks, their Sig-Sauers - no Trump tariff on that crap since we are talking of our best friends and our greatest single need as human beings.

Back to how you sell a bank lobbyist - give him a gun and a plaid shirt, and have him say he'd never want to surrender his firearms to Comey, or some such stupidity. Surely it will be stupidity time; GOP primary, and what we may find out, if little else, is whether the Pawlenty gun collection is bigger than the Johnson family's armory, and why that is of key importance to the policy and fiscal needs of a state and nation.


Hopefully there is a limit to how far stupidity can be stretched.