
Wednesday, July 04, 2018

REPOSTED TO TOP FOR JULY 4, AND UPDATED: Websearch = supreme court unions - yielding, e.g., CNN: Supreme Court deals major blow to public sector unions [Updated 12:54 PM ET, Wed June 27, 2018]

Short post. CNN link.

Cramdown. Ms. Clinton. Debbie Wasserman Schultz. DNC bias. Tom Perez, not Kieth Ellison.

Progressives. Respect, not for granted.

Flat learning curve. Learn. Please. Alter behavior. Biden cramdown? No.

If wanting solidarity, it is a two-way street.

DCCC - stop, then, reform. DC consultants - quell your greed.

Progressives can get sick and tired, and did. And will.

Clintons-Podesta brothers, post-election: Who wanted them? Who engineered it all? Who got punished for grotesque failures? Anyone?

Public sector unions have been too self focused. Compromise is a two-way street.

Bernie or Warren, 2020, or if not, why not, why buy into anything less? Less than honest progress is too little.

Organized labor must make the effort to strongly boost unorganized labor goals of a livable life and income, or be isolated when in need.

Old party regulars, inner party, must actively recruit young grassroots people.

Sound-bite campaigning is a failure. Hard work, instead, should be the rule.


We HOPE that real CHANGE actually happens.



If you cannot understand or accept progressive people wanting progress, and being pissed off when a bad status quo goes unaltered for the better, then everyone gets their part of "GOP for the worse." Year after year there is opportunity for change. 2018 is not too soon to adapt.

Bernie has made the necessary agenda clear. It only needs to be sincerely embraced and followed.

Goldman Sachs has few actual votes. Tons of money, however. Accumulating wealth via a career in politics is a questionable practice. Former office holders should be barred for life from lobbying.

Well? Make us an offer we'd not want to refuse.

Dan Burns at MPP.

Reprehensibility. And they are the ones saying Trump has a disconnect with reality. Knumbskulls.

Timmer at "The perils of insularity and tribalism." Saying "knumbskulls" in a kinder, gentler way.

Someone with sense should be at DNC. All that payroll, for knumbskulls. I am reminded of Norris at Control Data, and Ken Olsen at DEC. In each instance a failure to change. In each instance a viable venture died.

Ergo . . .

The establishment Dems do not want progress. There is no other viable conclusion. Do they deserve a lifeboat, or the plank?

______________FURTHER UPDATE_____________
What about the "Abolish ICE" stuff? Not, repeal the so-called Patriot Act. Not a focus on the people being screwed economically. Not about stagnant wages when the Wall Street bailout and debt financing has driven the dollar down. Not about income inequality. Not about a fair wage for an hour's work. Not about the young getting screwed with early debt loading. Not about anything touching upon healthcare reform. Not about too many things. It's going to be a failure absent messages to progressives aside from the Latino/Latina vote. About those bad Republicans on border/citizenship policy. Not about those bad Republicans and their latest tax grab for the tenth of the top one percent mainly but also for the top ten percent. The remainder are felt to be crap? What? Gin up emotions, the poor separated kids, when how the pie gets sliced is always the main need for reform. And always the core issue conveniently diverted to crying towel stuff.

The true bought and paid for nature of DNC and DCCC appalls. The simple fact is the donor class rules both parties. How about this? Raw enough for you?

____________FURTHER UPDATE____________
Seriously, shouldn't regime change start here? Is there a more corrupt regime? One more in need of CHANGE?

____________FURTHER UPDATE_____________
Three videos. Here, here and here. Notice how nobody gets at all to cut the pie more fairly. Nothing to see there, look here instead.

And Gillibrand lying aobut the Gorsuch vote in the one item. Gee, called out over a fact getting in the way of rhetoric. Some say Gillibrand is presidential. Perhaps when pigs fly.

__________FURTHER UPDATE____________
How many corporate lawyers does it take to fund a Gillibrand? These days, and it is harder to find ProjectVotesmart funding data for 2010, for balance of Clinton term or 2012, running as incumbent. But this cycle, tons of money talking while progress can walk.

__________FURTHER UPDATE_____________
Shakedown Street: Making money off of email lists, as reported by Intercept:

Heading into the 2018 midterms, with Democrats hoping to take back the House of Representatives and even make a run at the Senate, the party has spent more than $2 million worth of campaign resources on payments to Hillary Clinton’s new group, Onward Together, according to Federal Election Commission filings and interviews with people familiar with the payments.

The Democratic National Committee is paying $1.65 million for access to the email list, voter data, and software produced by Hillary for America during the 2016 presidential campaign, Xochitl Hinojosa, a spokesperson for the DNC, told The Intercept. The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee has paid more than $700,000 to rent the same email list.

Clinton is legally entitled to rent her list to the party, rather than hand it over as a gift, but in 2015, Barack Obama gave his email list, valued at $1,942,640, to the DNC as an in-kind contribution. In 2013 and 2014, OFA had similarly made in-kind contributions exceeding $3.4 million for uses of the list that cycle.

Obama’s list was at one point considered to be the most valuable in politics and raised more than twice as much money for the 2012 Obama campaign as Clinton’s did for hers in 2016.

[...] Clinton’s willingness to turn her email list over has been flagged as evidence of her commitment to the Democratic Party, often as a counterpoint to the refusal of Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., to do the same. Sanders has argued that the DNC would misuse the list, spamming it with off-message entreaties that would do net damage to the goal of building progressive power.

A joint fundraising agreement she had struck up with the DNC during the campaign was hailed as evidence of her commitment to build the party’s infrastructure. Politico later revealed that the money she raised jointly with the DNC through the Hillary Victory Fund was almost exclusively going to her campaign, with little left over for the state parties. Onward Together has continued using the list for its own purposes, even, in one case, when that may conflict with the DNC. In April, she sent her list a request for people to pay $10,000 to join the Onward Together Leadership Council, which would be hosting an event on April 30 in New York City. That same day, Tom Perez planned to host a DNC event.

Hillary for America did not respond to requests for comment.

Well, well, well, you can never tell.

_______________FURTHER UPDATE______________
A red-to-blue litmus test, Kathleen Williams, Dem primary winner in Montana running for its single House seat against Republican millionaire single-term incumbent Greg Gianforte, at some point making Emily's list but not the DCCC red-to-blue roster. Not so much a progressive that DCCC would be biased against her over that. But she got to where she has without funneling cash to DCCC favored DC consultants and without the promise of raising enough to threshold the DCCC spending radar.

Go figure that one. Williams' Wikipedia page, suggesting she's not ripe to be funding DCCC hangers-on since she's not starting off things wealthy. What does red-to-blue mean then from the DCCC persepctive?

The chance to flip a GOP seat is clearly there (by a candidate short on feathering to be plucked).

Could it be that DCCC is not averse to environmental policies of Montana's Ryan Zinke, and the working toward single payer healthcare approach clearly advocating Medicare negotiations with Big Pharma might not resonate with DCCC consultancies skill sets for working the process?

____________FURTHER UPDATE_____________
Strib has a local content item, not a wire service feed, looking at the Janus decision from a Minnesota perspective as well as nationally. Since police seem to have the strongest union brotherhood culture, how they motivate their rank and file should be looked at by the building trades, who seem unable to deliver a consistent rank-and-file election pattern. If the rank-and-file cannot perceive their own best interests because of being propagandized against their interests, what can and should union leadership do to improve communication within ranks and inclusiveness toward all labor? The public employees have been effective GOTV workers, and they are the point of deep-pocket decimation effort; possibly because of GOTV and policy effectiveness. Mobilizing young laborers, union or otherwise, should be a target. There is labor and enemies of labor, and the latter presently show more solidarity; while also owning the media that propagandize laborers.

FURTHER: The Atlantic posts an analysis.