
Saturday, June 23, 2018

If the Supreme Court says a bakery can deny a gay wedding cake, what exactly would be wrong with a restaurant refusing service to Sarah Sanders? I know I'd not want a thing to do with her and it is not as if she was served after a server urinated in her soup.

Tyler Durden, Fight Club, aside, people are put off planes for being unruly. But that is for conduct, not status. Sanders is not a part of some special protected class where strict scrutiny is required and a rational basis alone is not justification for a private party's refusal of service. Some places post, "No shoes, no service," or "No shirt, no service." It is not as if she was lulled by making a reservation in her name, having it accepted by phone, and then having a denial of service.

It seems to not be inconceivable to me that some people might harbor a disgust for Mike Pence and cohorts including Sanders, in as strong a way and premised upon as strong a personally compelling belief set and tenet of their existence as others feel about dislike for gay folks.

Why think religion is superior to a dislike of Donald Trump and his hangers on? It is not and to say otherwise is fiction.

The event was nothing special and Sanders had no purpose other than to belittle, in making the denial of service something more than it was.

Poor victim mouthpeice for manifest destiny.

Sorry, but presumably the lady found another restaurant and had her just right porridge.

Surely John Roberts could find eight ways to split hairs over this vs. the gay wedding cake decision, but I cannot. I am not adept in magic legal doctrine as is the Chief Justice, but at a bet I am more sincere.

Missing from reports: how big was the entourage, how pressed was the restaurant to meet regular business from within its repeat business community, and how big a nuisance might the Sanders entry into the place as "special" might have been? Those are degrees of evidence missing in reporting, but things I'd want fleshed out before any final judgment of the incident. Given that the totality of circumstances affects reasonableness judgments; I was not there to see things for myself as they unfolded, and can only guess about any circumstantial totality beyond the scant press coverage. Did Sanders get loud and belligerent? Reporting quotes her as pretty much saying, "Okay, I'll leave," and she left, no police involvement, no reporting of threats of retribution, but again I and readers of this post were not there as eyewitnesses.

Bottom line: you like Robert's gay wedding cake stuff, then like Sanders facing a refusal; it's no different. If bakery bigotry is okay, Sanders can try McDonalds or go hungry one evening. She'd not melt away from missing one supper.

My bullshit meter unpegs from zero and moves substantially to pegging the other end on conscious parallelism suggesting false flag staging, timing seeming more than random happenstance. How it gets spun in the next few days may pin the hummer all the way to "pure phony."

There just seems something crude, the cameras ready, too poised and ready, etc.

These guys.

A miasma to it. The "fake news" accuser would not fake anything as news, would he?

__________FURTHER UPDATE_____________
Too bad that Lady Sanders did not ask gentleman Scott Puritt for a good place to get a great GOP meal.Perhaps a restaurant next door to a Hobby Lobby. Ditto, the ICE lady.

___________FURTHER UPDATE___________
Breitbart on their toes too, here and here. Next staging, Betsy DeVos might even visit a ghetto school, hoping to provoke. No, never mind, not DeVos. She hasn't visited a school, so far, has she, and in a ghetto? Instead, have Erik Prince denied service by a socialist gun vendor. If they could find one. The clown car keeps running even with gas prices going up.