
Wednesday, June 06, 2018

For Minnesota's primary season there will never be more candidates than voters.This again will be so, even with crowded fields of hopeful candidates. Each wannabe will show up and vote himself/herself, and then wait and watch how non-candidates vote. It appears Mark Dayton and I will vote for the same DFL - AG candidate.

Two Strib "scorecard" online articles; here and here; and you can word search each for "Dayton" to see who I favor for AG. If you care. You should not. Endorsements are strange critters and following your own instincts works better than studying endorsement ins and outs. Just do it. Vote the primary, vote the general, achieving progress being the better aim.

MinnPost on the AG situation, Ellison's motives and hopes.

MinnPost with an extensive candidate scorecard, including dropouts.