
Friday, May 11, 2018

The four military dead in Niger. A commission did a report; somebody did?

The WaPo report, about the released Pentagon report.

Notably, the investigation was handled by Army Maj. Gen. Roger L. Cloutier Jr., who is Waldhauser’s chief of staff at Africa Command.

Put another way, the command investigated itself amid questions its senior leaders could have contributed to failures of situational awareness and command oversight in this mission and in Niger itself.

Christensen said Africa Command has shied away from publicly blaming senior commanders, saying it is an example of “different spanks for different ranks” — military parlance for meting out harsh penalties for junior troops while senior leaders escape accountability.

“It seems like an intentional avoidance. There is enough smoke there to make you think: ‘why aren’t you looking above them?’ ” Christensen said, referring to the two captains.