
Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Fletcher defeats Moser in TX 07. Craig in MN 02; someone besides Phifer in MN 08.

TX 07. The hope is that those who've advanced their batch of lackluster corporatist people will fund them. Now that the interest is gone, progressives can again stay home and wish them well. There is no fulcrum for progressive change, so good luck folks, in November. With Pelosi and with Schumer. With Obamacare instead of single payer; with income disparity worsened by Republican Tax messing up in favor of the rich, again, with the "Democrats" watching and clucking. If progress is unwanted by the power holders they may continue to see diminishing spoils. Except for the real Republicans but not for Republoican-lite. Clintonian decision making continues. Republicans continuing to get an ever larger share of nationwide spoils. Pelosi and Schumer appear to prefer that over progressivism. Bless them.