
Friday, May 11, 2018

At it again. Public hemorrhoid Abigale Whelan gets the embryo willies and just has to push through a DOA abortion bill, just because she can.

The idiot.

The sooner that mistake is out of the legislature the better. Yesterday was not soon enough.

Strib publishes detail.

The vote drew attention from activists on both sides of the abortion debate. The group Minnesota Citizens Concerned for Life cheered its passage.

Strib does emphasize the ignorant woman is not alone but is supported by an ignorant outside agitator body, and Republicans in the legislature, all ignorance, all oppressive, all confrontational because they can be.

A bunch of assholes politically empowered hemorrhoids. Throbbing away, no relief from the pain they foster all session long. Abigale Whelan had the chance at an education and studied political science instead. She is a pubic menace.